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Re: [jakarta.ee-spec] [jakartaee-platform-dev] Issue for call tomorrow
@Scott: Thanks, comments inline:
Am 26.01.22 um 16:48 schrieb Scott
> This artefact repo should be permanent:
> Reproducibility is important!
If the staged final artifacts are used, this is
guaranteed to be false. The only way to resolve it is to
change the EFSP/TCK process. I'm not convinced that
reproducibility of a CCR is essential. We need to be pragmatic
here. The spec process is already a significant burden
relative to just running an open source project. If the
perceived benefit of additional essential patent grants is not
worth the effort, we won't spend the effort.
I agree, at the end, the burden should be lower and regarding patent
grants: This could be achieved with choosing an alternate patent
licence (as we did at MP as default and Jakarta Config will keep, as
fas as I know).
> When the TCK run is successful, a final spec
version can be released with a ballot approves it.
This should be the norm for the ratifying
compatible implementation. A ballot for the final release of a
spec cannot be started until this is true. How does an RC TCK
help here?
Lower the risk to withdraw a release.
> We also want to ensure in a more complex
dependency tree, that multiple versions of one spec are not
allowed, especially major versions not (that's not fulfilled
in 9.1 too)!
Major versions, yes, but minor versions by
definition should not be a concern if SemVer is used.
Yes, agree. But you have to rely on Maven to pick the highest
version or run different Versions in environments like OSGi. But
JPMS lacks the version dimension and as analysing the current
situation, some of the issues at higher level (i.e. profile
implementations) might result for this deviations.
Fixing it at a lower level dependency, that is released final to
public is then possible only with a new release, because it could
be on Maven Central and already in use.
> This results in a new final release need to
be done at least at one of the leaf dependent specs to be able
to combine them in Jakarta Spec A. When they are in a M or RC
state, it can be fixed easier with another RC before all could
become final at least.
I don't see how an RC state helps here. With an
RC I have to spin up an RC+1 because it is in Maven central sd
I cannot delete it. With staged finals, I can respin them by
dropping the current staged repo.
Yes, we have to weigh here:
With the option to withdraw a final spec form staging, we can do
it (accepting potential issues with caching).
If we want to prevent withdrawing at all or not be able to
(because the spec is successful released already), then another RC
might be the lower cost. When there is nothing changed at all and
the RC already passed the TCK with the implementation decided to
test, there is close to zero risk it will fail at the final run -
and if failing, this might be a strong sign instability like from
race conditions etc. - that we want to know too... :-)
But yes there are costs, at the end there might have to be two
TCK runs at least - one for the last RC without changes gets
re-released as final then - with a last TCK run on final then.
Regarding TCK changes: The probability of having to fix the
TCK(s) might be a little bit higher at the moment, because of the
ongoing refactoring there...
I would like to share my
thoughts on this topic with a little example:
Project structure:
Jakarta Spec A
Spec A Document
Spec A API
Spec A TCK
Jakarta Spec B
Spec B Document
Spec B API
Spec B TCK
Jakarta Spec C
Spec C Document
Spec C API
Spec C TCK
Implementation Project X
Implementation X_A
Implementation X_B
Implementation Project Y
Implementation Y_A
Implementation Y_C
Dependency graph:
Jakarta Spec A
Jakarta Spec B
Jakarta Spec C
In this example Jakarta Spec A is an umbrella spec (in
a general sense, see below) and Jakarta Spec B and
Jakarta Spec C could be independent component specs.
I think, we agree that only final artefacts reflect a
version, that is intended to be used by common
application developers (end users).
And these final versions need to end up in Maven
Central (as sync point for end users).
We want to have one single version for a single
Jakarta spec (meaning for the spec document, API and
TCK of the spec) to show what belongs together.
That version (and only that) is under control of the
Jakarta spec project and governance of the Jakarta EE
Specification Committee - implementation projects
versions are not.
To be clear: If an implementation project decided not
to use SemVer and orders versions by approaching
Euler, Pi or use a count down, they are free to do so
- even when this is not reflecting common user
expectations ;-)
However, it is a good idea to ensure SemVer for all of
the Jakarta specs (including the
platform/profile/umbrella specs on my opinion, but
that might be a different discussion).
By the way, the same is true for implementation
project structure changes: I.e. renaming
implementation X_A to A_X would be out of scope and
therefore control of Jakarta.
One requirement for a Jakarta spec to become final is,
that at least one implementation passes the required
TCK (or in some cases TCKs, exactly spec TCK + global
TCK part at the currently for some specs, but let's
assume this fact is covered in the spec TCK itself)
successfully to ensure that a spec is implementable
and therefore useful at all.
In the example above that means one of implementation
X_A or implementation Y_A at least has to pass the
Jakarta Spec A required TCK successfully.
To achieve that, the artefacts need to be
referenceable and loadable by the implementation
projects at minimum, but not necessarily from Maven
This artefact repo should be permanent:
Reproducibility is important!
Out of scope and control of Jakarta there might be
issues, that are influenced by the environment:
Jenkins, Maven, Java SE, Container Runtime, OS, VM,
Hardware, physical environment etc.
Even when they are rare, they are usually hard to find
- being able to exclude the issue is within Jakarta
itself, it is very helpful to be able reproduce it at
any time.
That requirement results in the exact implementation
artefact need to be available permanently too.
Side note: The cooperation with Adoptium could help
regarding Java SE and to some degree OS changes.
Staging is not fulfilling the requirement at the
moment, so pushing Ms and RCs to Maven Central as a
sync point may be a workaround.
For the future, me might put these artefacts to a
Maven repo under governance of EF to achieve that
permanently without confusing end users (but that's
another discussion too).
As David pointed out, we need to define the TCK
process and it's technical implementation not for the
happy path only - tests will fail and the root cause
may be in ANY artefact involved, that might need to be
So I am with Emily, even the TCK could not be final at
the beginning, when we want to be able to fix it and
end up with one single version for the single Jakarta
spec version.
When the TCK run is successful, a final spec version
can be released with a ballot approves it.
Having final artefacts available somewhere (like in
Staging) before the TCK has been passed could cause
other problems too: It is quite best practice to cache
Maven - on the organisational border and locally at
the devs machine - most of them is out of control of
Jakarta to withdraw a version and invalidate caches!
So better try not to do that in any case.
We want to have the requirement that final versions of
a spec have only final dependencies (that is not
fulfilled in Jakarta EE 9.1 Platform, unfortunately -
as discussed yesterday in the platform call), but an M
or RC release could have M, RC or final version
That results in releasing final spec releases from the
leaf to root in the dependency tree, where another
source of final release dependencies might result from
unchanged final spec dependencies of earlier releases.
In the example above this means, Jakarta Spec B and
Jakarta Spec C need to become final before Jakarta
Spec A can be.
We also want to ensure in a more complex dependency
tree, that multiple versions of one spec are not
allowed, especially major versions not (that's not
fulfilled in 9.1 too)!
Both requirements could be ensured by automatic
testing in the future.
TCKs should be able to reference tests from TCKs of
dependent specs to ensure compatibility (may be
partly) - therefore references need to be stable.
One option to achieve that would be code duplication
(antipattern) or executing the dependent tests
directly (that in fact what the platform TCK might do
in the future, partly now and therefore my vote for a
clean project structure with resulting clean
namespaces - but again, that will be discussed
somewhere else... ;-) ).
One theoretical example, for having to fix a dependent
final spec (including one of the involved TCKs) might
be if only the combination of multiple dependent specs
result in an issue that prevents the technical
combination of the two technologies at all at the
higher level. I.e. Jakarta Spec A can not combine
successful already released Jakarta Spec B and Jakarta
Spec C final versions. This results in a new final
release need to be done at least at one of the leaf
dependent specs to be able to combine them in Jakarta
Spec A. When they are in a M or RC state, it can be
fixed easier with another RC before all could become
final at least.
Note: This all is true for all specs with
dependencies, which make them to (or let them behave
like) umbrella specs like the profiles (Platform aka
Full Profile, Web Profile and Core Profile including
profiles and optional Jakarta specs like NoSQL) to
some degree (!)
I hope this will be helpful for clarifying the TCK
process and implementation.
May be, it's worth to think
about a change in the Eclipse Foundation Technology
Compatibility Kit License (
if this is necessary with the split up TCKs?
Am 26.01.22 um 15:10
schrieb Scott Stark:
Because TCKs and APIs are not the same
thing. You cannot make a compatibility claim using
APIs. You do not get essential patent rights based
on your API version. Both of those things are done
under the current TCK process using the final TCK
that has the Eclipse Foundation Technology
Compatibility Kit License (
which only the final version of the TCK should have
bundled. This is the current TCK process and to
allow ratifying compatible implementations to use
non-final TCKs would require some EFSP change.
You can release a TCK whenever you
want. I don't see what benefit you are deriving from
ratifying using a non-final TCK. Both the scope of
scope of essential patents and grant of those
patents derive from the final specification and
final TCK. The benefit of non-final APIs is that it
simplifies the circular nature of having to produce
a compatible implementation to ratify the final API,
spec and TCK. The final TCK becomes the source of
truth relative to whether the compatible
implementation has appropriate APIs and behavior.
Why can't TCKs adopt the same process as
the APIs? As long as we prove the RC is the
same as the final staging artifact, we are
all good. This is what I suggested:
Raise a RC for both APIs and TCKs - let
compatible implementation to ratify the
artifacts with CCRs
Stage final APIs and TCKs - ballot open
with the above CCRs to vote the staged
I think the current process of staging
TCK final is ok because TCKs and specs are
in separate repos. Once they all end up
under one repo, the api and tcks will be
released together. When you do a RC for API,
you will have a RC for TCK. I don't get why
using the same release of TCK RC is not
The TCK cannot be an RC as
it is part of the specification commit
project PR that is being balloted on for
final ratification. At that point there
needs to be a staged final API artifact,
specifications, java doc, and TCK. The
compatibility request is verified
against the final candidate TCK
referenced in the PR. If the
ratification ballot passes, the staged
TCK is promoted to the final TCK without
modification. All that process does is
add the signing signatures of the
specification committee.
+1 on clarifying this.
For rectifying a spec, the
viable solution is to use
release candidates for both APIs
and TCKs to avoid chicken egg
It has been a requirement
that the TCK used for
certification was the proposed
final TCK, but not the APIs.
Based on what I said above,
TCKs used for ratifying a spec
can be a RC as well. This will
certainly help with the specs
that contain both APIs and TCKs.
If the signature tests pass, all
is fine and the vendor is
allowed to use their own API
jars. In some cases those API
jars are implementations: Faces,
Activation, Mail, etc. There
are other situations like JACC
where the API jar can't really
be considered an implementation,
but there is definitely
significant code there.
We'd likely want to document
those requirements in the JESP
as the EFSP is what currently
holds the open source
We may need to add some
clarification on the API jars
produced by specification
projects as people are
increasingly referring to them
as "the official" jars, implying
1) all other jars are not
official or lesser and 2) they
must be used by the compatible
implementation used for
ratification. Neither is the
case. We need some explicit
text that says we have no
concept of "the official" jars
and any jars that pass the TCK
and signature tests are
For Jakarta EE 8 our compatible
implementation was a pre-Eclipse
version of GlassFish that did
not ship the jars produced by
the Specification Projects. We
did do some work to ensure the
Specification Project-produced
jars could pass a TCK run. If
we have thoughts that this
should or does not need to
happen again if a compatible
implementation does not use the
Specification Project-produced
jars, we should write that down
David Blevins
> On Jan 25, 2022, at 9:28
AM, Scott Stark <starksm64@xxxxxxxxx>
> An issue that came up
during the platform call was
what are the requirements for
the compatible implementation
that is used to ratify a
specification. A specification
team had decided that they could
not produce an RC that could be
used for such a ratification
based on their interpretation of
the following two document
> • According to https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#specifications-implementations
“Compatible Implementations may
only claim compatibility with a
final specification. ... No
claims regarding compatibility
may be made for an
implementation milestone build
or unratified specification
> • https://github.com/jakartaee/specifications/blob/master/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/pull_request_template.md,
which states, "For a Release
Review, a summary that a
Compatible Implementation is
complete, passes the TCK, and
that the TCK includes sufficient
coverage of the specification."
> If I look really
pedantically at these two
statements, maybe I could read
that only final APIs can be used
by a compatible implementation,
but this is also ignoring other
discussions we have had about
the special nature of the
compatible implementation used
to ratify a specification.
> We need to make a clear
statement about the requirements
for the initial compatible
implement(s) used to ratify a
specification as well as any
additional constraints on post
ratification compatible
implementation claims.
> It has been common practice
in EE and MP to use ratifying
compatible implementations that
do depend on release candidate
APIs. It has been a requirement
that the TCK used for
certification was the proposed
final TCK, but not the APIs. By
virtue of passing the TCK
signature tests, whatever API
versions the compatible
implementation used, they have
been validated as compatible as
determined by the final TCK.
This should be a sufficient
validation of the compatible
> Let's discuss tomorrow.
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