Jakarta EE Spec Committee - August 25th, 2021 [1300 UTC]
Attendees (present in bold):
Kenji Kazumura - Fujitsu
Dan Bandera - IBM - Kevin Sutter, Tom Watson
Ed Bratt - Oracle - Dmitry Kornilov
Andrew Pielage - Payara
Scott Stark - Red Hat - Mark Little, Scott Marlow
David Blevins - Tomitribe - Jean-Louis Monteiro, Cesar Hernandez
Ivar Grimstad - PMC Representative
Marcelo Ancelmo - Participant Member - Martijn Verburg
Werner Keil - Committer Member
Jun Qian - Primeton - Enterprise Member
Eclipse Foundation: Tanja Obradovic, Paul Buck (chair)
Past business / action items:
Ongoing tracking spreadsheet of individual specs progress through the JESP
Since our previous call on July 28th, the following resolution was approved by ballot on the Spec Discussions mailing list “RESOLUTION: The Jakarta EE Specification Committee resolves that no new optional features may be added in Jakarta EE 10 and beyond in component, Platform, or Profile specifications.”. Proposed next steps for discussion:
This resolution needs to be communicated to the specification projects
Send result to spec leads mailing list ASAP [Scott Stark]
Platform and Profiles (Web & Core) release plans note this requirement and handled within discussions on the Platform calls [Kevin, Scott Stark, Ivar]
Document it in the release checklist [Template was updated, see https://github.com/jakartaee/specifications/pull/414, review w/ Kevin in next call]
Update JESP & Operations Guide [Scott Stark]
Release Reviews for specifications that are not in compliance will not proceed to ballot, spec projects will be requested to be in compliance prior to ballot.
The summary of the ballot is below: