+1 +1 Tomitribe Greetings Jakarta EE Specification Committee. In our effort to approve new scope statements for the many Jakarta EE Specification Projects, one was not done entirely correctly. While I assert that the scope statement for the Jakarta XML Web Services project is accurate, it does not address the scopes for the three specifications that it contains. The team has come up with the following scope statements for the three specifications managed by this single specification project (the discussion is tracked here). Jakarta XML Web Services defines a means for implementing XML-Based Web Services based on Jakarta SOAP with Attachments and Jakarta Web Services Metadata.
Jakarta Web Services Metadata defines a programming model for Web Services in Java, use of metadata, a non-normative processing model for metadata annotated web service source files, runtime requirements for a container, and annotations used for WSDL, binding, and configuration.
Jakarta SOAP with Attachments defines an API enabling developers to produce and consume messages conforming to the SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, and SOAP Attachments Feature.
Per the process, this will be a seven day ballot, ending on August 8/2019. I require a Super-majority positive vote of the Specification Committee members. Community input is welcome, but only votes cast by Specification Committee Representatives will be counted. The Specification Committee is composed of representatives of the Jakarta EE Working Group Member Companies (Fujitsu, IBM, Oracle, Payara, Red Hat, Tomitribe), along with individuals who represent the EE4J PMC, Participant Members, and Committer Members. Specification Committee representatives, your vote is hereby requested. Please respond with +1 (positive), 0 (abstain), or -1 (reject). Any feedback that you can provide to support your vote will be appreciated. -- Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation, Inc. _______________________________________________ jakarta.ee-spec mailing list jakarta.ee-spec@xxxxxxxxxxx To change your delivery options, retrieve your password, or unsubscribe from this list, visit https://www.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/jakarta.ee-spec
_______________________________________________ jakarta.ee-spec mailing list jakarta.ee-spec@xxxxxxxxxxx To change your delivery options, retrieve your password, or unsubscribe from this list, visit https://www.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/jakarta.ee-spec
-- Carlos Andres De La Rosa | Technical Architect Skype: carlosa.dlr |