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Re: [] Defining Jakarta EE 12 Scope in Program Plan

On 10/30/24 10:57 AM, Emily Jiang via wrote:
As for the AI discussion, in the MicroProfile community, a group of us are working on the prototype of the MicroProfile AI project (prototype here). The group meets on Mondays. You can find the meeting info from here . The main focus is to get MicroProfile and Jakarta EE apps to connect with LLM easily. You are all invited to join the meeting. We are currently talking about whether to directly adopt LangChain4J APIs or forking LangChain4J with the microprofile namespace. Personally, I am advocating to adopt LangChaing4J APIs and focus on the integration.
Yes please Emily! Not another forking fork :-)  Unless the LangChain4J people decide on
their own, or can be persuaded that it's better overall, to come in from the cold and
move under the Jakarta big tent.

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