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Re: [] EJB -> CDI migration (was Re: Defining Jakarta EE 12 Scope in Program Plan)

I love all three of these ideas:
  1. EJB -> CDI Migration Guide
  2. New EJB -> CDI Migration talk
  3. Updating the Jakarta EE Tutorial to remove EJB when possible
(3) is non-trivial since a lot of work needs to be done upgrading/rewriting the examples in general, but that doesn’t mean I can’t at least break that work down into the issue tracker. Also, the intro (which I rewrote) specifically does not mention EJB.

I’d like to add another: Writing an OpenRewrite  for migrating from EJB->CDI.


Kito D. Mann | LinkedIn
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On Oct 27, 2024 at 2:46 PM -0400, Reza Rahman <reza_rahman@xxxxxxxx>, wrote:
I am moving comments on my Jakarta EE 12 Google Doc
to Jakarta EE mailing lists when possible. The problem with Google Docs
comments is that they do not scale very well, aren't very readable on
smaller devices, and do not archive well. I will do so one email per
comment. The person commenting is copied.

Context: Why does replacing EJB matter?

Josh Juneau (Community): Are there any comprehensive tutorials on how to
utilize CDI rather than EJB for querying entities? It seems like these
tutorials need to be made front and center in an effort to help steer
people to CDI and to show that EJB is no longer needed in many cases.

Reza Rahman (Microsoft): Good point. As of Jakarta EE 11, it is indeed
possible to just use CDI now for basic CRUD in a transactional and
thread safe manner with Jakarta Persistence. The same for EJB
@Asynchronous and @Schedule. At the bare minimum, this is worthy of an
Eclipse Foundation newsletter article and/or JakartaOne talk. The
material could cover where EJB is not needed any more and where it is
still needed. The title could be something attention grabbing like -
"EJB is Dead, Long-Live CDI and Jakarta EE". We could also ensure a
revised Jakarta EE 11 Tutorial can avoid using EJB when possible. Maybe
Kito could comment on this? Additionally, the Marketing Committee has
been sponsoring some guides. Could we consider already starting an EJB
migration guide?

On 10/22/2024 5:30 AM, Reza Rahman wrote:
Hi folks,

I would like to see if we can define clear, compelling, and specific
scope for Jakarta EE 12 as part of the Steering Committee Program
I believe this is of critical importance at this juncture. If I did
not think so, I would not bother trying. I have detailed all the
rationale here:
For those that recall, something very similar was done for Jakarta EE
11, so this isn't exactly without precedent.

I would like to see if this can be done in the following couple of
weeks, when the Program Plan is due.



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