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[] TODAY: Jakarta EE Update call July Wednesday 15th

Hello all,

It is a vacation time for a lot of people, but for you that are working and on line, just a quick reminder about the call today!

Please refer the Community Calendar link or click directly on this call link.

Here is the Agenda:

  • Welcome - Ivar Grimstad, Shabnam Mayel, Tanja Obradovic

  • Jakarta EE 9 update - Ivar Grimstad

    • Schedule changes

    • Engagement from mentors is needed

  • Marketing Committee chair update - Neil Patterson

1.Budget adjustment due to Covid -19

- F2F event funding reallocated to better support digital strategy

- Better SEO so developers can find the information faster and easier

2. Data sheet available highlighting the benefit of moving to Jakarta EE 9

- Developers should talk to their favorite tool vendors to share the data sheet (great way to contribute to Jakarta EE open source project)

  • Update from the Eclipse Foundation - Ivar Grimstad, Shabnam Mayel, Tanja Obradovic

    • News, events, programs, marketing

  • Topics / questions from the community

Talk to you soon!



Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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