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[] Fwd: Jakarta EE Member Elections - Call for Nominations - Deadline Extended

Hello All,

please see email below! There is still an opportunity to be involved in Jakarta EE Working Group Committees!

Send your nominations to us (elections@xxxxxxxxxxx)!



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Jakarta EE Member Elections - Call for Nominations - Deadline Extended
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2020 18:02:35 -0300
From: Sharon Corbett <sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Tanja Obradovic <tanja.obradovic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Ivar Grimstad <ivar.grimstad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Eclipse Working Groups <workinggroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>



In order to accommodate busy schedules, we want to provide extra time to complete the nomination phase. Therefore, the nomination period has been extended by two weeks.  During this time, we encourage all members to participate in the process by nominating someone and/or yourself (self nominations are welcome). The period for nominations is extended until April 24, 2020. 


As this election is concerning filling the Participant and Committer Member seats on the respective committees (see below), we want to remind everyone of these categories, as follows:


  • Participant members are corporate members that have chosen to participate in the working group at this respective membership level.  


  • Committer members are those committers on EE4J projects that are also members; this would be by virtue of:

a) the company for which they work is a member, or 

b) they completed the Membership Application and Agreement as an individual.  (Membership Agreement is encompassed in the Jakarta EE Individual Working Group Participation Agreement as well).


For more information about membership levels, including Committer membership, you may visit here.   To view existing corporate Jakarta EE members, please visit here.


Nominations may be sent to elections@xxxxxxxxxxx.  Please use the subject line of "Jakarta EE Working Group Elections".


Election Schedule (Adjusted)


Nomination Period:  March 30 - April 24, 2020

Election Period:  May 1 - May 15, 2020

Winning Candidates Announced:  May 21, 2020  


The following positions will be filled as part of this election: 


Steering Committee

One seat allocated for Participant Members

One seat allocated for Committer Members


Specification Committee

One seat allocated for Participant Members

One seat allocated for Committer Members


Marketing and Brand Committee

One seat allocated for Participant Members

One seat allocated for Committer Members


A reminder there is no requirement to hold elections for Enterprise Members.


If you are unclear if you can nominate/self nominate or have any other questions, we are here to help!   Please feel free to reach out to the undersigned, Tanja Obradovic, Jakarta EE Program Manager, and/or Iva Grimstad, Jakarta EE Developer Advocate.

Be well!


Best Regards,

Sharon Corbett


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