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Re: [iot-wg] top level project charter

One more thing is that each project will need to agree to move under the IoT top-level project. I have heard from Marco about Ponte but can the other projects also state their agreement to move.


From: iot-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:iot-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ian Skerrett
Sent: June-18-14 3:11 PM
To: 'IoT Working Group mailing list'
Subject: [iot-wg] top level project charter


I believe we have come to consensus on the charter for the Eclipse IoT top-level project. Please let me know before the end of this week if you have any further comment.


If we have no other nominations, I’d like to propose that Jens and Kai will be identified at the co-leaders of the PMC.


The next step will be to present the charter to the Eclipse board of directors for approval.





Ian Skerrett

VP Marketing

Eclipse Foundation





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