Hi Kilton,
To be honest, these look like rather basic contributions to me. I am not saying this to discredit anyone, but I also have a hard time to align this with the requirements from the project handbook [1]:
> After an individual has made a small number of high quality contributions that demonstrate that they understand how the project works, understand the Eclipse Foundation Development Process and are prepared to implement the Eclipse Foundation Intellectual Property Due Diligence Process, a committer will invite them to join the team and initiate the election.
I know, that it also says:
> What constitutes a sufficient demonstration of merit varies by project team.
If the list above is the project's definition of "sufficient merit", then that is fine with me. But this also means that anyone else can become a project committer based on this baseline. Which I would say isn't a typical baseline. Otherwise, I think Neil isn't ready yet. And there should be no blocker for making additional contributions.
In any case, I would like to hear some additional thoughts from the other PMC members.