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Re: [incquery-dev] PSystem/Builder refactor - part 2

OK, I have played around with it a bit. It seems to work quite well, so it’s a green from me to merge it ASAP into master.

Nice job!

A final remark: the only issue that will need some further care is to eliminate the “exception-in-the-background” behavior when the EIQ files cannot be located under /bin, due to some previous builder error.


Istvan RATH, PhD
Research fellow
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group

On Friday 31 January 2014 at 12:05, Ujhelyi Zoltán wrote:

Thanks for the testing!

About the exceptions: I cannot really do much about it, as this would need to support the now inconsistent old versions as well. After fixing the other issues I did not experience this, but this is no guarantee. But these should go away after the project is updated.

XExpression removal: its implementation was missing.
Build issue: I forgot some required initialization during cleanup. Works now as expected.

I have updated the review in Gerrit with the fixes.

-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

On 2014.01.30., at 14:01, Istvan Rath <rath@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have run some initial quick tests with the school example. Here are the results:

- prior to running the project upgrade, I got exceptions as follows:

at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.output.SharedAppendableState.appendType(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.output.TreeAppendable.append(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.output.TreeAppendable.append(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator$23.apply(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator$23.apply(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.ErrorSafeExtensions.forEachSafely(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator.generateThrowsClause(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator._generateMember(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator.generateMember(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator$2.apply(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator$2.apply(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.ObjectExtensions.operator_doubleArrow(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.LoopExtensions.forEach(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator._generateBody(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator.generateBody(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator.generateType(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator._internalDoGenerate(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator.internalDoGenerate(
at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.JvmModelGenerator.doGenerate(
at org.eclipse.incquery.patternlanguage.emf.ui.builder.EMFPatternLanguageBuilderParticipant.handleChangedContents(

- I had to manually remove xexpression extensions from plugin.xml

- the school.incquery project does not build cleanly, I get compile errors from patterns which check expressions, e.g.:

private CourseWithNameLongerThanWeightIntQuerySpecification() throws IncQueryException {
Inconsistent pattern definition


Istvan RATH, PhD
Research fellow
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
On Monday 27 January 2014 at 11:07, Ujhelyi Zoltán wrote:


thanks again for the detailed review. I tried to address all your issues in Gerrit (the Hudson error were caused by an unintended change and plain stupidity on my behalf - sorry for spamming).

About Eclipse/UI independency: the patternlanguage.emf project should be independent of the Eclipse runtime and of course the Eclipse UI - it can be used in eclipse-less environments, and this is true for all their dependencies (if not, it is a bug). In other words, I don't think a separate project for this logic is necessary, but correct me if this is not true.

-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

On 2014.01.26., at 20:02, Istvan Rath <rath@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


thanks for the great work. I think I will wait with the detailed tests until you get the cleaner up to speed.

I have added some comments to the code in Gerrit. Some of the comments need further attention, so please take a look.

A final question:

On Saturday 25 January 2014 at 13:43, Ujhelyi Zoltán wrote:

* All PSystem building code is moved into patternlanguage.emf project (they should still be eclipse and UI independent)

If something is Eclipse and UI independent, isn’t it better moved to a separate project which is declared to be independent of Eclipse and the UI?


Istvan RATH, PhD
Research fellow
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group

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