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Re: [ide4edu-dev] Conference Call Meeting Minutes

Oh. And thank you for capturing the minutes, Brenda.


Brenda Sadoway wrote:
I took meeting minutes of our call today as Wayne requested, so those not in the call can see what was brought up.

Friday, February 12, 2010 Conference Call Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Wayne, Cory, Miles and Brenda

Here’s what we discussed:
-        Internal code:  There’s a balance between deciding when to rewrite code so it doesn’t use internal code, and              when it’s practical to use it and accept the consequences.  For example, the project wizard was redone so that          it’s tailored to our project without using internal code, but there are many examples where this is not the case.
-        Wayne would prefer to focus on the fundamental level: committing code that will directly affect and benefit            the user, rather than rewriting to remove the use of internal code for the sake of increasing our comfort level.
-        Rather than suppressing warnings, Wayne suggested keeping them there because ensuring we don’t forget                about them may help in the long run.
-        Scheme interpreter NexJ: we should make sure it looks like it will work before pursuing the legal side of                   getting permission to use it, but it looks promising.
-        Scheme bugs in Bugzilla apply to the code that probably can’t be committed, although the UI side of it can             still be looked at.
-        Scheme debugging could/should be looked into at some point.
-        The concept of a Scheme Outline view: what would it look like and what would be in it?  Would it be useful?
-        Miles might look into simplifying menus and toolbars in Java Lite.
-        Cory might try making an RCP App to pull in menus and toolbars to see how effective this method is.
-        Brenda might look into the UI of the Scheme perspective to see what can be improved.


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Wayne Beaton, The Eclipse Foundation

I'm going to EclipseCon!

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