On 04/13/2017 04:59 PM, Lars Vogel
- All trees are searchable by default if you
simple start typing -> awesome feature I would love to have
this in Eclipse but have no idea how to implement this
I believe something like this is already implemented natively in GTK
and is active on all SWT trees. However, this Ctrl+F is not acting
as a filter, but as a jump to. It also doesn't search recursively in
the tree AFAIK.
There is ongoing work on this topic for CNF trees:
- Shift + Shift for open resources is so much
easier to us compared to our shortcut
You mean Ctrl+Shift+R ?
- Alt+Enter is also easier to reach compared
with Ctrl+1
That's arguable. Ctrl+1 can be performed with a single hand,
Alt+Enter is not
Overall, I don't think the key mapping have that much impact. And
several Eclipse users moving to IJ have already claimed they prefer
the Eclipse mapping.
- Debugger is much better then ours it adds the
value of the variable into the editor after the code. Also our
default Eclipse debug perspective is IMHO not very usable.
There are bugs open about that:
* https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=329666 : this one is
technically challenging and probably requires a lot of efforts, that
said, it doesn't seem impossible. I think it's currently failing at
hitting the top of someone's todo-list . This seems like a good FEEP
* https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=464898 : there is
some discussion, ideas but this is stuck by our (ie Platform UI
contributors) usual difficulties of turning an opinionated
discussion into actionable items.