The Window Working Set provides a default working set that is used by many (all?) views. There is a Window Working Set item in the toolbar, which you may need to use Window > Customize Perspective to enable.
I only recently started working with working sets, and the Window Working Set is what really makes them work. One of my projects sometimes requires delving into historical projects (with compilation errors due to libraries that I don't want to resolve). I use the window working set to only show my current projects, and turn it off (or add the other working set) when I need to look at the historical work.
I believe Window Working Sets may have been added for Mylyn?
I have to admit, I'm also curious. My usage of working sets is exactly like yours. I'd suggest we do some code archeology and try to figure out what use-case window working sets (and working sets in general) were intended to support. If the main use-case we care about is the adding-structure to the package-explorer use-case that you and I seem to use them for then we could probably brainstorm a much more efficient UI that addresses that same use-cases.
I’ll echo Bruno’s question. What is a “Window Working Set”? I really have no idea how it’s different than regular Working Sets.
Frankly, I just use Working Sets to add some hierarchy to the projects I have open in my workspace (I have over 400 at the moment) and really only use it in the Project/Package Explorer and to scope Searches. They’re not very easy to set up though if that’s
all you wanted.
First entry in working set configuration window [1]. In JDT schoold views (JSDT, DLTK, ...) there is always shortcut on view menu (before standard working sets).
I personally use it together with mylyn:
1. Select Window Working Set in Resource and Type selection dialog + in any exlporer
2. From Task List, create Mylyn Working set with some projects
3. Activate mylyn working in Task List.
As the result, all views with “Window Working Set” activated will be simply filtered.
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