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Re: [ide-dev] Thoughts about a generic "Open Type" dialog

I'm on the same page as Alex, i.e. I'm open to that idea, as long as someone comes forward to implement and own the feature.

Besides the already listed requirements, performance needs to be considered, e.g. disable slow contributions (like Content Assist does). I mention this, because we are currently working on an 'Open Method Declaration' dialog and are fighting with performance issues there. Also, the user should have the option to disable unwanted contributions.


From:        Aleksandar Kurtakov <akurtako@xxxxxxxxxx>
To:        Discussions about the IDE <ide-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:        16.04.2016 09:29
Subject:        Re: [ide-dev] Thoughts about a generic "Open Type" dialog
Sent by:        ide-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

As long as someone plans to drive it - huge +1 from me, otherwise we have huge list of ideas how to improve the experience but just so many hours in the day. I find myself using "Open resource" way more often for exactly the same reason - to be able to open every type (assuming I have an idea for the file name) instead of being surprised by "Open type" showing me smth I definitely don't look cause of the active editor.

Alexander Kurtakov
Red Hat Eclipse team

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Doug Schaefer" <cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Discussions about the IDE" <ide-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Saturday, 16 April, 2016 3:57:29 AM
> Subject: Re: [ide-dev] Thoughts about a generic "Open Type" dialog
> +1
> I think this is one feature that keeps us from having one "Coding"
> perspective. When doing IoT things I found myself writing C/C++ code and
> Java and _javascript_, but I do it all from one perspective which in my case
> is the C++ perspective, but I hate that Open Type differs depending on what
> the current selection is and the current perspective. It would be great to
> have it all in one dialog and we can provide a unified perspective for
> working with code.
> Great idea Gunnar. I'll definitely help from the CDT side.
> Doug.
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 4:15 PM, Gunnar Wagenknecht < gunnar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > wrote:
> Hi,
> I was investigating providing a dialog similar to "Open Type" except that it
> will show my custom artifact types. While providing my own dialog with my
> own artifacts is easy, I'm really struggling with the key binding.
> Here is the story:
> - ⇧⌘T taken by JDT
> - ⇧⌘R taken
> - ⇧⌘A taken by PDE
> - ⇧⌘Q/W/E taken
> - ⇧⌘Y/Z/X/C taken
> There is a really high competition for those because it's doable with a
> single hand. :)
> Looking at a few other plug-ins we discovered that:
> - ⇧⌘T hijacked by JSDT
> - ⇧⌘T hijacked by CDT
> Thinking about usability and consistency, I do prefer the ⇧⌘ sequence, which
> seems to be pattern for "open stuff".
> Thus, by having an extensible "Open Things" dialog I was thinking that we
> could free up ⇧⌘A and make ⇧⌘T a consistent experience for the Eclipse tool
> stack.
> The requirements I would set for this dialog:
> - allow plug-ins to contribute content
> - keep the UI as simple as possible
> - allow filtering of things
> - be smart about the context where the dialog is opened
> The latter one would be a key feature for me, i.e. it would rank JDT results
> higher when in a JDT perspective/view/editor.
> The actions items I see:
> - provide dialog in Platform IDE
> - modify JDT to switch that dialog
> - modify PDT to switch to that dialog (freeing up ⇧⌘A)
> However, before going down that path and investing further time, I wanted to
> reach out to this group for gathering feedback. Clearly, that won't fly
> without by-in from the teams mentioned above (which is a different
> discussion). Let's focus on the technical parts for now.
> -Gunnar
> --
> Gunnar Wagenknecht
> gunnar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ,
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