iceoryx-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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[iceoryx-dev] Project Lead Election for Christian Eltzschig on Eclipse iceoryx has started,
Eclipse Foundation
[iceoryx-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Jeff Ithier on Eclipse iceoryx,
Eclipse Foundation
[iceoryx-dev] Reminder to vote on the Committer Election for Jeff Ithier on Eclipse iceoryx,
Eclipse Foundation
[iceoryx-dev] Committer Election for Jeff Ithier on Eclipse iceoryx has started,
Eclipse Foundation
[iceoryx-dev] Submit your talk by 31 May to be part of OCA,
Riexinger Andreas (BEG/EVC1)
[iceoryx-dev] [Daimler Trcuk] - Discussion about Iceoryx framework for IPC,
Panikatti, Nandeesh (893)
[iceoryx-dev] PMC Approval required for Project Lead election for Mathias Kraus on Eclipse iceoryx,
[iceoryx-dev] Project Lead election for Mathias Kraus on Eclipse iceoryx,
[iceoryx-dev] Talk tomorrow on the Embedded Software Engineering Congress,
Simon Hoinkis
[iceoryx-dev] EclipseCon 2022 Community Day,
Simon Hoinkis
[iceoryx-dev] iceoryx_dust package created,
Simon Hoinkis
[iceoryx-dev] New Rust 🦀 and Automotive SOA 🚗 (AUTOSAR Adaptive ara::com-like) Bindings,
Simon Hoinkis
[iceoryx-dev] Community Meetup: Eclipse iceoryx Blueberry - Speeds up AUTOSAR Adaptive,
Simon Hoinkis
[iceoryx-dev] iceoryx v2.0.0 (Blueberry) Release,
Michael Pöhnl
[iceoryx-dev] Talk: Using zero-copy data transfer in ROS 2,
Matthias Killat
[iceoryx-dev] Virtual Eclipse Community Meetup "Introducing Eclipse iceoryx Almond",
Simon Hoinkis
[iceoryx-dev] Eclipse iceoryx Almond v1.0.0 Release,
Simon Hoinkis
Re: [iceoryx-dev] Request - Response Communication,
Michael Pöhnl
[iceoryx-dev] Eclipse iceoryx Almond RC2,
Simon Hoinkis
[iceoryx-dev] Release names and logo vote,
Simon Hoinkis
[iceoryx-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Marika Lehmann on Eclipse iceoryx,
[iceoryx-dev] Committer Election for Marika Lehmann on Eclipse iceoryx has started,
[iceoryx-dev] Safety and open source, oh my? (FOSDEM talk),
Simon Hoinkis
[iceoryx-dev] Eclipse iceoryx pre-release v0.90,
Simon Hoinkis
[iceoryx-dev] Eclipse iceoryx Developers Meeting,
Riexinger Andreas (CC/PRM-PE-ADDA)
[iceoryx-dev] Iceoryx bi-weekly developer meetup,
Simon Hoinkis
[iceoryx-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Jeff Ithier on Eclipse iceoryx,
[iceoryx-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Martin Hintz on Eclipse iceoryx,
[iceoryx-dev] Committer Election for Jeff Ithier on Eclipse iceoryx has started,
[iceoryx-dev] Committer Election for Paul Broze on Eclipse iceoryx has started,
[iceoryx-dev] Committer Election for Martin Hintz on Eclipse iceoryx has started,
[iceoryx-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Matthias Killat on Eclipse iceoryx,
[iceoryx-dev] Committer Election for Matthias Killat on Eclipse iceoryx has started,
[iceoryx-dev] integrating iceoryx into eCAL - a success story,
Rex Schilasky
[iceoryx-dev] Perforce Helix QAC & Eclipse iceoryx,
Hoinkis Simon (CC-AD/ESW1)
[iceoryx-dev] [Announcement] ROSCon 2019 talk available online,
Hintz Martin (CC-AD/ESW1)
[iceoryx-dev] [Announcement] iceoryx-related conferences in Q1 2020,
Hoinkis Simon (CC-AD/ESW1)
[iceoryx-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Simon Hoinkis on Eclipse iceoryx,
[iceoryx-dev] Committer Election for Simon Hoinkis on Eclipse iceoryx has started,
Welcome to iceoryx-dev,
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