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Re: [hono-dev] Regarding the integration with other Eclipse project

you will need to be more specific regarding what you are trying to do and what code you are running. Where does the stack trace coem from that you have enclosed? Which version of what component is it? How do you run it? What command line args/environment variables?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Kai Hudalla
Chief Software Architect

Bosch Software Innovations GmbH
Schöneberger Ufer 89-91
10785 Berlin

Registered office: Berlin, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 148411 B;
Executives: Dr.-Ing. Rainer Kallenbach, Michael Hahn

From: hono-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <hono-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Thong Q. Nguyen <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 4, 2017 14:34
To: hono developer discussions
Subject: Re: [hono-dev] Regarding the integration with other Eclipse project

First of all, congrats on the new milestone of Hono, 

I followed what you had said with the "add_lwm2m" branch for a while but I couldn't make it to work as intended. I used the client demo from Leshan 1.0.0-M1 to match with the version supported by "add_lwm2m" branch. When I used the Demo Web UI to observe the resources of the client, there is no telemetry data following downstream, I still can see the changes of observed values on the Web UI. I test on observing different resources but none of them sends the telemetry data to Hono consumer.

Furthermore, after the consumer is started for a while, vertx throws alot of warning messages:

14:11:39.993 [vertx-blocked-thread-checker] WARN  i.v.core.impl.BlockedThreadChecker - Thread Thread[vert.x-worker-thread-0,5,org.eclipse.hono.example.Application] has been blocked for 82944 ms, time limit is 60000
io.vertx.core.VertxException: Thread blocked
    at Method) ~[na:1.8.0_131]
    at ~[na:1.8.0_131]
    at ~[na:1.8.0_131]
    at ~[na:1.8.0_131]
    at org.eclipse.hono.example.ExampleReceiver.waitForInput( ~[classes/:na]
    at org.eclipse.hono.example.ExampleReceiver$$Lambda$64/1708441522.handle(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
    at io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$executeBlocking$1( ~[vertx-core-3.4.0.jar:na]
    at io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl$$Lambda$66/ Source) ~[na:na]
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[na:1.8.0_131]
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[na:1.8.0_131]
    at ~[na:1.8.0_131]

Could you give me some suggestions ?

Best regards,
T. Nguyen 

2017-06-29 10:57 GMT+02:00 Hudalla Kai (INST/ECS4) <kai.hudalla@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

The "add_lwm2m" branch was indeed a very quick and dirty attempt to get LWM2M support running in Hono. We used this for a tutorial at last year's EclipseCon Europe.

So, if you just want to "get it up and running" this might work for you. However, be aware of the fact that you will need to manually create observations on resources of connected devices using leshan's Demo Web UI, i.e. there will be no telemetry data flowing downstream unless you start observing resources on the CoAP devices ...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Kai Hudalla
Chief Software Architect

Bosch Software Innovations GmbH
Schöneberger Ufer 89-91
10785 Berlin

Registered office: Berlin, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 148411 B;
Executives: Dr.-Ing. Rainer Kallenbach, Michael Hahn

From: hono-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <hono-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Thong Q. Nguyen <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 16:18

To: hono developer discussions
Subject: Re: [hono-dev] Regarding the integration with other Eclipse project

I found a branch called "add_lwm2m" on Hono github which is an experimental protocol adapter for LWM2M. It "supports the forwarding of notifications for observed resources on LWM2M clients to Hono's telemetry API. It is built on top of Eclipse Leshan and uses Californium for CoAP communication with clients", so is it also considered as a CoAP adapter for Hono ? If I want to connect a CoAP device to Hono through Leshan (only in telemetry direction), is this adapter sufficient ? You mentioned that lwm2m adapter should be put in the northbound, while this lwm2m adapter seems to be in the southbound, am I wrong?

Thank you very much for your thorough responses till now. They really helps me understand alot about a large scale project like Hono as well as Eclipse IoT.

Your sincerely,
T. Nguyen 

2017-06-26 18:08 GMT+02:00 Hudalla Kai (INST/ECS4) <kai.hudalla@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:


ad 1) the link you are referring to points to the original project _proposal_ page. A lot has changed since then and you should not use if for reference. All relevant information can be found on the Hono website [1].

ad 2) Having a CoAP protocol adapter is something I would appreciate. Personally, I would indeed build it using Californium. Take a look at the existing protocol adapters in order to get started with it. They all are based on "org.eclipse.hono.service.AbstractProtocolAdapterBase" which already provides the connection to the Device Registry and Hono Messaging component so that you can focus on implementing the device connectivity.

ad 3) yes, the Protocol Adapters always connect directly to the Hono Messaging component whereas the consumers connect to the AMQP 1.0 Messaging Network. See [2] for details



Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Kai Hudalla
Chief Software Architect

Bosch Software Innovations GmbH
Schöneberger Ufer 89-91
10785 Berlin

Registered office: Berlin, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 148411 B;
Executives: Dr.-Ing. Rainer Kallenbach, Michael Hahn

From: hono-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <hono-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Thông Nguyễn Quốc <>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 14:39
To: hono developer discussions
Subject: Re: [hono-dev] Regarding the integration with other Eclipse project

I have some questions regarding your last answer (sorry for asking a bit late on this matter), I hope you can clarify them for me: 

ad 1) We definitely want to add more protocol adapters. In particular we would like to employ the code/artifacts from other Eclipse IoT projects for that purpose. The most obvious thing to do is adding a CoAP protocol adapter based on Eclipse Californium. A LWM2M protocol adapter probably doesn't make much sense since the "management" of the devices already constitutes an application in the Hono sense, i.e. LWM2M would probably better be implemented "northbound" of Hono. However, it would require the command & control direction, which is not (yet) available.

1)  As you mentioned, LWM2M / Eclipse Leshan should be implemented in the northbound of Hono. However, in this drawing here on the Eclipse Hono project page [1], LWM2M is at the southbound of Hono. Therefore it makes me a quite confused about the position of LWM2M / Leshan in "the big picture" of Hono,

2) I want to connect a device to Hono through CoAP, but at the current state of Hono, it doesn't have an official protocol adapter for CoAP. Is it technically possible to implement Californium into Hono sender blueprint  [2] as a temporary implementation of CoAP adapter ?

3) As I noticed, the Hono sender blueprint [2] does not implement the qdrouter as in Hono consumer [3], it connect directly to Hono instead (through Hono host and port). Are protocol adapters (HTTP, MQTT) the same with Hono sender and they connect directly to Hono without AMQP network ?  

Thank you in advance. I hope to receive your response soon.

Best regards,
T. Nguyen

2017-06-06 14:32 GMT+02:00 Hudalla Kai (INST/ECS4) <kai.hudalla@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:


ad 1) We definitely want to add more protocol adapters. In particular we would like to employ the code/artifacts from other Eclipse IoT projects for that purpose. The most obvious thing to do is adding a CoAP protocol adapter based on Eclipse Californium. A LWM2M protocol adapter probably doesn't make much sense since the "management" of the devices already constitutes an application in the Hono sense, i.e. LWM2M would probably better be implemented "northbound" of Hono. However, it would require the command & control direction, which is not (yet) available.

ad 2, 3) There is no need to install/use a separate MQTT broker in order to connect devices to Hono using MQTT. Hono's MQTT protocol adapter implements those parts of the MQTT protocol which are necessary for clients to connect and publish their telemetry or event messages. Please take a look at the MQTT adapter documentation [1] for details.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Kai Hudalla
Chief Software Architect

Bosch Software Innovations GmbH
Schöneberger Ufer 89-91
10785 Berlin

Registered office: Berlin, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 148411 B;
Executives: Dr.-Ing. Rainer Kallenbach, Michael Hahn

From: hono-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <hono-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Thông Nguyễn Quốc <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 14:09
To: hono developer discussions
Subject: [hono-dev] Regarding the integration with other Eclipse project
Hi there,

I am doing a study on the integration of Hono and other Eclipse IoT projects like Mosquitto, Leshan, and HawkBit. I come up with several questions:

1. As I noticed in the description, currently Hono only support MQTT connection through its MQTT adapter and HTTP connection through REST adapter. Is that possible that Hono can integrate with Leshan despite not having a LWM2M adapter ?

2. As far as I try to install Hono and Mosquitto on the same host, they don't work together well. Mosquitto broker cannot process subscribe/publish message on the host where Hono is running on. When I disable Hono, Mosquitto broker functions normally. This seems petty weird because they use two different ports. Meanwhile, when that host acts as an MQTT client and subscribe/publish to the MQTT broker on the other host (Hono is not installed), it works fine.

3. Are all the protocol adapters supposed to represent for other IoT projects. I mean that if Hono already has an adapter for MQTT, it doesn't need Mosquitto? Or these adapters are just the "link" between Hono and other IoT projects ?

T. Nguyen

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