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[higgins-dev] Notes from June 5 Higgins developers call

Title: Message





Alex Amies - IBM

Abhi Schelat - IBM

*Brian Carrol - Serena

Dale Olds - Novell

*Daniel Sanders - Novell

*David Kuehr-Mclaren – IBM

*Drummond Reed - Cordance

Duane Buss - Novell

*George Sanchez - Serena

*Greg Byrd - NCSU/IBM

Jeff Broberg CA

*Jim Sermersheim - Novell

Markus Sabedello

*Mary Ruddy - Parity/SocialPhysics

*Nataraj Nagaratnam - IBM

*Paul Trevithick - Parity/SocialPhysics

Paula Austel - IBM

*Tom Doman - Novell

Uppili Srinivasan - Oracle

Valery Kokhan - Parity Ukraine


* Present



Tony Nadalin - IBM

Mike McIntosh - IBM

Andy Hodgkinson - Novell


* Preparations for Catalyst interop.

** Support for IdP and RP's with new EV certs

** Finishing up other development/hosting/testing work needed before the interop

** Logistics questions

* Preparations for Face-to-Face meeting before the interop

** Agenda item suggestions

** Attendance list and logistics and

* Architectural convergence of HBX and "Native identity agent" ...convergence of H1, H2, and H3 deployment configurations

* IdAS update

* Updated Higgins Component Owner Checklist

* Component compliance to checklist

* Milestone 0.8 progress/timing

1) Preparations for Catalyst interop.

Mary: Previously we had expected that there wouldn't be any interop participants using EV certs. This week we found out that that there would be a participant bringing an IdP and an RP that uses an EV cert. Will we be able to work with these by the time of the interop.

Andy: Had started doing something with EV certs.

Paul: Not on the Java side.

Jim: Is having trouble with the latest STS.

Brian: Is also having build problems - still has references to the IdAS registry.

Jim: Finally got the STS to build, but it is not coming up... Need Mike's input.

Jim: Still doesn't know what the IdAS downstream dependencies are

Paul: Has been trying to get answers, but Valery has not been available.

2) Preparations for Face-to-Face in San Francisco.

Mary: The focus of day one is preparations for the Catalyst interop event. Agenda items for the rest of the face-to-face have been added to the wiki. Please review and add any additional suggested topics. Also let me know if you are planning on attending, or add you name to the list on the wiki.


3) Architectural convergence of HBX and "Native identity agent" ...convergence of H1, H2, and H3 deployment configurations

Paul: Have been working on the deployments wiki pages to align the language describing the deployments.

Paul: Initial focus in on the interop demo, then will make another pass on harmonizing the architecture and looking at any performance issues that arise. There is a lot of harmonizing work to do. Still need to get the newest H2 C++ code checked in.

Jim: Will nudge Andy.

Paul: Is the current deployments page clear?

Jim: Suggests the page should list the lead person responsible for a deployment(if any)

Paul: Will add info about organization working on each deployment, and other suggested tweaks

4) IdAS update

Jim: Has an IRC meeting on the meta data issues. Have a complex use case, may want to reverse decision on use of simple single value structure.

Jim: Other issue. Decision was made to make each model element a bag of properties or attributes. - Jim to send out an email with formal thoughts.

Jim: Deleted old IdAS project to force use of new IdAS code.

Jim: Remaining work is reflected in bugzilla.

Paul: Is reasonably optimistic that we can model what we need to. We need to work through the specifics.

5) Updated Higgins Component Owner Checklist and component compliance to checklist

Paul: Sent an email about component compliance to the Component Owners. Search the email for your name, for suggestions for work to be done to get things in compliance with the component owner check list. He understands that people are balancing doing this work with meeting deadlines.

Jim: Last week were talking about convergence to one IS architecture. Tony thought it would help to have one place to document the architectures of H1..H2 and H3. The components being used have different architectures, could review to develop target architecture. Tony signed up to do this.

Paul: We already have a convention for documenting components. It may not address all of these issues, but it is a start.

Paul: If data is obsolete or incorrect, delete it.

Paul: Every project should be a row, with the exception of unit tests. Understand that updating the component list is work. The component owner knows the most about the component and will be the most accurate.

Paul: Current component wiki pages are uneven.

Jim: Will there be javadoc for each subproject? Or one giant javadoc?

Paul: TBD.

Paul: Still have an issue about build scripts.

8) Milestone 0.8 progress/timing

Paul: One item not yet working.

Proposes pushing 0.8 off until after Catalyst. Need to not break things before Catalyst.

Jim: On topic of bug fixes only. Jim is OK with that. He will need to branch, but hasn't done it in Eclipse.

Jim: Anything considered a problem with the current build, etc, those are considered bugs.

Paul: We are in risk management mode. Don't do anything that is high risk before catalyst.

9)Schedule for IRC channel.

Paul: Will let the experiment continue. Schedule is on the wiki at

Jim: It would be great to have a bot that announced the start of each scheduled session and creates log of the chat.

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