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RE: [higgins-dev] Another topic (or two) for Nov 2 phone call

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From: higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jim Sermersheim
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 4:39 PM
To: 'Higgins (Trust Framework) Project developer discussions'
Subject: [higgins-dev] Another topic (or two) for Nov 2 phone call


These have to do with claim/attribute mappings.


An area I’ve been thinking a lot about in the last week or so…

I had initially thought for simple cases, if we were to implement an IdAS "mapping provider" (a provider which could be plugged in front of a "real" provider), that the IdAS consumer could pass claim names into IdAS and IdAS (via the mapping provider) could map and emit attributes back out with claim names (rather than the Attribute type URIs used by the underlying provider).


It seems this actually can't be done however, since claim URIs may not be Higgins Attribute type URIs, and IdAS types must be Higgins Attribute URIs. 


I think perhaps it can be done: A Context could use a schema, that for example, treated the Microsoft CardSpace surname claim type as a higgins:attribute:


         <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="">

                     <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Person"/>

                     <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&higgins;#StringSimpleAttribute"/>

                     <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="&higgins;#attribute"/>



Where #Person is a subclass of higgins:DigitalSubject.


This is why I deleted last week the component called “Attribute/Claim Mapping” from here. The I-Card Provider must produce Claims, but we don’t need a separate Higgins component in the architecture. Whether the Token Issuer is pushed claim data by an I-Card Provider or a Token Provider pulls it, I am increasingly comfortable that an IdAS Context can be used directly as the source for Claim data.


The distinction between a claim and an attribute is more a matter of usage than the nature of the thing itself. Claims are a kind of attributes that are intended for external consumption by relying parties and thus are under some special constraints (e.g. they should be used (a) as sparingly as possible and (b) must be in the namespace that the relying party understands (c) are often packaged together and digitally signed (d) might even be cryptographically blinded still further (e.g. with idemix), etc.) but they’re attributes all the same.


I now think that an IdAS Context can offer to a I-Card Provider or a Token Provider a higgins:attribute that, as shown above, uses a Claim namespace (dictated by the RP) and that can be trivially converted into a Claim for external consumption.


 If this isn't the case, I need clarification. 



If it is the case, I suppose we could skip this topic and move right into the next one:


claim/attribute mapping is now shown to happen inside I-Card Providers


Well, I was trying to indicate that it is the responsibility of the I-Card Provider. As I mention above, it can delegate this responsibility to a Context Provider.




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