Hello Jürgen,
it is possible to achieve your aim. You are already on the right track.
Instead of “attribute = attribute + 5” you should use “attribute = x -> x + 5”.
Additionally the rule have to be extended by the variable x. You can easily achieve this in the graphical editor by editing the rule name: E.g. “ruleName(var x:EDouble)”.
By that your “NodeWithAttribute” is matched and the variable x is set to the attributes value of the matched node. As result of the rule application the new value of the attribute will be “x+1”. The keyterm “->” disjoins the part for matching (here x), the LHS and the part for the state after the rule application (here x+1), the RHS.
You can find an example of that in the rule “transferMoney” in the bank example: https://www.eclipse.org/henshin/examples.php?example=bank
If my answer isn’t detailed enough please help me to improve it ;-)
Kind regards,
Hi all,
I wanted to ask if it is possible to reference an attribute to itself within a node.
I have a rule where I search for a specific Node with an attribute and if this node is found I want to add 5 to that attribute
and I do not matter which value it had before.
| <<preserve>> |
| :NodeWithAttribute |
| attribute = attribute + 5 |
Is this somehow possible for example with the _javascript_ Engine?
Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Freund
Arbeitsgruppe Ähnlichkeitsmechanik
Telefon: +49 (0)711 685 69530
E-Mail: freund@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Statik und Dynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrtkonstruktionen
Pfaffenwaldring 27 - Zimmer 01.002
70569 Stuttgart
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