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Re: [henshin-user] Error processing attribute update


my guess would be the same as the one by Matthias.

These kind of errors, related to parameter use, seem to occur frequently. Recently, we discussed an error related to parameter names conflicting with certain Java keywords (such as "new"). The error message in this case was cryptic as well and, in addition, only occurred at runtime.

I think we could detect such errors statically to show meaningful error messages right during editing. Would you all agree that it makes sense to add a check for correct parameter use (all parameters are defined, no keywords used as names) in the validator class?


Am 11.03.2016 um 16:22 schrieb Matthias Tichy:

I haven't used Henshin much before, so this may well be a simple
beginner's error. Unfortunately, the error message I am provided with
isn't awfully helpful and I couldn't figure out what's going on.

I have created a simple transformation using the Henshin diagram editor.
This moves one object from one place to another and updates some
attributes. To express attribute updates, I have used the -> notation as
shown in the Bank tutorial. So, one of the attributes reads
"spaceRemaining=x->x+a.spaceRequired*a.quantity" where "a" refers to a
different node in my rule, which has the attributes mentioned.

> When I run this rule on a model, it is matched (as I would expect), but
> I get the following error:
>> java.lang.RuntimeException: ReferenceError: "x" is not defined in
>> <eval> at line number 1
>>     at
>> org.eclipse.emf.henshin.interpreter.impl.EngineImpl.evalAttributeExpression(

please add screenshots in the future, this helps to pinpoint problems.

My assumption based on your description is that you do not have added x as a parameter to the rule.

See the bank example (Rule transferMoney)



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Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Strüber, Dipl.-Inf.
Software Engineering Research Group
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany

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