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Re: [glassfish-dev] JSF Templating -- What is blocking?

On 5/5/20 3:16 PM, arjan tijms wrote:

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 12:09 AM Romain Grecourt <romain.grecourt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Was there another GlassFish project that had its groupId changed since moved to eclipse ?

At least Woodstock did so I think:

- Renamed top level directories to woodstock- to match artifactIds.
- Use org.glassfish.woodstock as groupId

Oops, I should have known that ;)

Before Woodstock had com.sun as groupid.
I don't have a strong opinion ; I like consistency but on the other end I feel that this project is on life-support mode so I'm not sure it's worth the effort.

Definitely, it's also a matter of what is the fastest/easiest. In the current situation I think we can't deploy JSFTemplate, since it the GlassFish Bot doesn't have permission to stage to com.sun. So either of the two things has to be done (ask permission, or change group id).

Kind regards,

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