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[geomesa-users] Quickstart Tutorial Issues

I am going through the GeoMesa Quickstart Tutorial and trying to get GeoMesa to insert and read data from our Accumulo instance on dev.

I have the following questions and problems:

The Quickstart documentation says Hadoop 2.2 and Accumulo 1.5.x are required.  We have Accumulo 1.5.1 but we are using Hadoop 2.0.0-cdh4.5.0.

1.  Is GeoMesa compatible with our Hadoop version?

I was able to build the Quickstart code and run the java app to insert and query data from Accumulo.  Our version of Hadoop is not available in Maven so I used the Hadoop 2.2 dependency in the pom file in order to build everything.  The data was inserted without any errors and I validated that the data exists in Accumulo.  However, the query in the Quickstart app doesn't return any data.

2.  Is this possibly an issue with the Hadoop issues listed above?

The Quickstart documentation says:

There are additional JARs that are specific to your installation that you will also need to copy to GeoServer’s lib directory. These may include:

  *   Accumulo
  *   Zookeeper
  *   Hadoop core
  *   Thrift"

3.  Can you tell us more specifically what jars are required for the GeoServer plugin?

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