Hi Jonathan,
See below to see my responses
I'm facing some problems about the current concepts in the metamodel.... I would like to have your opinion about these points :
- IAbstractSConnectableElement direction
There is no direction property in a IAbstractSConnectableElement, neither in a ISPort. I have seen that we can access to the base Port properties, from UML. But how can we programmatically access to the SysML properties like the Direction ? What is the best
way to do this ?
Remark : for SysML 1.1, 1.2 the direction exist on port. For SysML 1.4 there is no direction, the direction is contained
in properties of types that are transmitted in connectors.
- Migrating 'DataLink' to 'SConnector'
In ESF, we decided to put 2 or more ends to a SConnector. Thus, there is no method to get directly the source port or target port for example. We will may need to add these methods, to return them directly
after browsing all the connector's ends and find the source or target according to the ends 'direction'.
This is a great problem. Inside papyrus, we have also the problem, there is no source and target for a connector. This
is the same case for association.
Maybe in the meta-model, it’s better to say that there is only 1 source and 1 target, or add collections get Sources()
or getTargets() exactly as Dependecy with ‘suppliers’ and ’clients’.
Your meta- model could contains more constraints or new “roles” than SysML .
- FailureMode type
In our old metamodel, there was a 'type' property on the failure modes to know if they were 'Erroneous', 'Absent', or 'Untimely' for example.
But I don't remember if we have decided or not to have this kind of properties in ESF, and if not, how this should be managed. Is it something that we have forgotten in the metamodel ?
Thanks for your advices !