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Re[2]: [equinox-dev] Why ./configuration directory is always created?




I consider this a bug. Can you open one? It looks like we calculate the default configuration location before we determine if there is a user supplied configuration. When calculating the default location we ensure that the calculated location exists (the default configuration location is ./configuration). One way to work around this is to set the property -Dosgi.configuration.area.default=test also. This way we just will use test as the default and will only create that folder.


Pavlin Dobrev ---08/04/2008 07:40:41 AM---Why ./configuration directory is always created? For example the command:


Pavlin Dobrev <p.dobrev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Equinox development mailing list <equinox-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


08/04/2008 07:40 AM


[equinox-dev] Why ./configuration directory is always created?

Why ./configuration directory is always created?

For example the command:

java -D -jar -Dosgi.configuration.area=test org.eclipse.osgi.jar

must create only ./test directory but ./configuration directory is

created also.

(I use official Ganymede release of the Equinox.)

-Pavlin Dobrev


Dr. Pavlin Dobrev, Research and Development Manager

ProSyst Labs EOOD, 

48 Vladaiska Str., Sofia, Bulgaria, 

Tel. (+359 2) 954 91 62 . Fax. (+359 2) 953 26 17 

p.dobrev@xxxxxxxxxxx , 


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Best regards,

 Pavlin                            mailto:p.dobrev@xxxxxxxxxxx

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