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Re: [epp-dev] Macosx notarization

> On 21 Aug 2020, at 03:09, Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The Eclipse Platform uses dmg and EPP does - but I don't have any idea as I am not a mac user. Should both be provided? I assume .dmg "just works" where as .tar.gz needs some confirming to Apple by each user that it is safe?

Personally I prefer .tar.gz, since it provides a unified approach to all platforms, and some form of common automation, so from my point of view, providing both would bring more value. (automatically extracting the Eclipse from the .dmg in a script involves more steps; frankly I never do it).

But .dmg in themselves are not a bad idea, but, if I remember right, the current version includes a link to the /Applications folder, and this invites the user to copy the new Eclipse to that folder, which is the location to install system GUI applications.

I would definitely remove that link from the provided .dmg.

As for the extra step to confirm that the application is ok, I disable it by simply removing the extended attribute:

> The multiple Eclipse instances is the model I use on Windows and Linux. 

Great, the same should apply to Macs.

Unfortunately for now, the .dmg invites to install the Eclipse in /Applications, and this implies single instances.



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