It didn't work out quite as I expected. Four editors for OCL
expressions, OCL documents,
OCL embedded in Ecore, OCL Standard libraries are available in MDT/OCL
Examples RC1.
[The OCL expressions editor may be useful for pop-up applications such
as Papyrus.]
For the embedded OCL in Ecore, use of an emfatic-style
name type
was too uncomfortable in conjunction with OMG OCL's
type : name
and also OMG tend to use {composes,ordered} etc.
So in the end the OCLinEcore concrete syntax is quite different from
Of course, one of the nice features of Xtext is that there can be
multiple Concrete
Syntaxes for a shared CST model, so Emfatic and OCLinEcore might
coexist as
alternate editors for *.ecore.
For compatibility/flexibility, the OCLinEcore editor supports editing
either *.ecore or
*.oclinecore persisting in the source file format unless a SaveAs
changes persistent format.
Fuller OCL/Modeling usage requires Associations, so a larger OCLinUML
editor seems
appropriate supporting the same text/model editor interchangeability
for *.uml as for *.ecore.
Behind the scenes, a Base grammar has evolved that may have an
embarrassing number of
similarities with XBase. I have solved some problems that could be in
the Xtext core so there
is probably a scope for a merge rather than outright selection of one
or the other.
Ed Willink
On 08/04/2010 08:35, Sven Efftinge wrote:
On Apr 7, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Ed Willink wrote:
Shall I just produce my OCLinEmfatic/OCLinEcore editor as an
example for Helios, then you can review it and decide how best to
provide shared functionality in Iona?
Yes, that's a good idea.