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Re: [emft-dev] Galileo status

Hi Ed,

The reason of this mail wasn't to whine about such or such people not taking responsibility as I myself didn't take a look at these bugs :). I merely wanted to ensure that we indeed needed to comment the bugs, and I'll get to it now that you confirmed it.

Here we go for the chain-commenting of bugs :p.


Laurent Goubet

Ed Merks a écrit :

Unfortunately I've let quite a few of my responsibilities slip in the last while. These bugs really need comments from all the EMFT components that are on the train and I'm simply not in the mood to be herding cats so folks need to take responsibility for commenting about their status on these bugs. That's Compare, Ecore Tools, and Mint... Once all three have commented on any specific bug I can resolve it...

Thanks for asking about it!


Laurent Goubet wrote:
Hi folks,

As I was clearing our bugs for EMFT Compare I realized our status for the galileo train hasn't been updated since the M4 artifacts : . All these bugs have been raised against EMFT / releng instead of "once per component" has seen on M2T for example. How are we supposed to deal with them? I had started commenting on some of these bugs for Compare so that Ed (I think he's the one in charge of closing these?) would know that component was green, but I wonder whether this is what's expected of us.

Any insight on the status of these bugs? Compare surely isn't the only EMFT component that wants to be part of the train?

Laurent Goubet
emft-dev mailing list

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