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Re: [emf-dev] [CDO] Reduce dependencies in SQLQueryHandler

I would like to wrap the SQLQueryHandler in a custom query handler and make it available via an IQueryHandlerProvider. At the moment, this is not possible as SQLQueryHandler has a dependency to DBStoreAccessor which is not used.

Do I miss something? If not, I would like to patch the class.

2017-02-13 13:55 GMT+01:00 Eike Stepper <stepper@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Am 11.02.2017 um 20:19 schrieb Erdal Karaca:
Hi Eike,
Is there a reason why SQLQueryHandler has dependencies to IDBStoreAccessor?
It just needs the IDBConnection and IDHandler of the DBStore.
The DBStoreAccessor needs a session/transaction which the SQLQueryHandler does not seem to need.
A new SQLQueryHandler instance is created by the DBStoreAccessor for each query and that instance just lives for the duration of the executeQuery() call. So what's the problem with storing a pointer to the creator of the handler in the handler?




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