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Re: [emf-dev] EMF platform dependencies


During the last release (2.8) we broadened our dependencies on the Eclipse platform to include 3.5 through 4.x.  I.e., we build and test against Eclipse 3.5:
The build is what inserts the dependency ranges into all the bundles.  So unlike many projects, we do actually ensure that we run with our lower bound.  We do not test that we run properly in any higher version (relative to the upper bound), but many other people do, i.e., many other projects depend on EMF and test their builds against Eclipse 3.8.x/3.9.0/4.2.x/4.3.0 so we're quite sure we run well in all those versions.  We're trying to be as flexible as possible so that clients can use the latest and greatest version of EMF in older versions of the Eclipse platform.


On 01/02/2013 7:50 PM, Miles Parker wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying to figure out what the dependencies for e.g. EMF 2.8 are, but the following table isn't very up to date. :)

Can we get a run down on these?

Also, I'm curious what other modeling projects are adopting as their baseline platform and EMF releases.


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