2011/8/18 James Carr
Hi All,
I'm heading up an initiative to introduce git into my organization and
althought I prefer using the commandline not everyone does. :)
So I've been experimenting with egit lately to kind of map out how to
do things people are used to using subversive. One feature is people
like to see incoming changes. I've checked out a project, added a
file, and pushed it.From another machine I do a fetch, then
synchronize FETCH_HEAD. I can see the incoming changes and compare
against local, but when I try to merge or overwrite it ALWAYS throws
an error along the lines of
An internal error occurred during: "Merging 1 resource.".
Attempted to beginRule: P/usage-summary-spike, does not match outer
scope rule: F/usage-summary-spike/src/groovy/com/foobar/usage
I don't know of any such rules in EGit, could this be some other tool in
your Eclipse workbench which is interfering in some way ? Could
you retry the same scenario on the same data with another Eclipse
package, e.g. plain Eclipse SDK ?