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[egit-dev] task-focused working with eclipse, git and mylyn

On 21.12.10 11:15, "Thorsten Kamann (Code Review)"
<codereview-daemon@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Thorsten Kamann has posted comments on this change.
>Change subject: To integrate Mylyn's commit templates an extension point
>is needed.  This extension point provides an interface you must
>implement. During the preparation of the commit dialogs the extensions
>using this extension points will be requested for a message to
>Patch Set 1: (1 inline comment)
>What is my intention of the usage of this extension point:
>In an own plugin org.eclipse.egit.mylyn I can implement the
>public class MylynMessageProvider implements ICommitMessageProvider{
>   public String getMessage(){
>      ITask task = TasksUi.getTaskActivityManager().getActiveTask();
>      String comment =
>           ContextChangeSet.getComment(...);
>      return comment;
>   }
>This class is the messageprovider I needed to configure in plugin.xml. So
>I am able to add the mylyn's generated commit message for the currently
>activated task.
>I have another idea to add more functions for a really task-focused
>working with eclipse, git and mylyn.
>If you are interested we can discuss this on the dev list.

I am very much interested in that discussion. Looking at Bugzilla
we already have a number of proposals on mylyn integration:

- Add API to provide CommitDialog proposals/templates
  Bug 329515 <>
- [team] provide EGit integration for Mylyn
  Bug 306001 <>
- EGit and Mylyn encourage best-practice use of branches: task-related
changes occur on a branch
  Bug 309578 <>
- Add support for mylyn
  Bug 302049 <>

Hence I propose you choose the one which seems to fit best to your idea
and do the discussion there, of course you may as well post on egit-dev
but tracking discussions is easier in Bugzilla.


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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Change-Id: I3e0b8cd23be957c8c6a8199ce6818282fb24dc68
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: egit
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Thorsten Kamann <thorsten@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Matthias Sohn <matthias.sohn@xxxxxxx>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Thorsten Kamann <thorsten@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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