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Re: [egit-dev] galileo build broken

2010/12/10 Matthias Sohn <matthias.sohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
2010/12/10 David M Williams <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx>

> we should not have Europa dependencies. Is there a simple way to check this other than checking every bundle manually ?
I do not know. grep for 'europa' in any files that would reference a p2 url? I really was "grasping at straws", just in case it reminded you of anything ... unlikely to be a factor. 

our source files surely don't contain 'europa'
> This also fails quite often since a few days, rerunning 
> the egit build usually yields a successful build.

Even for intermittent bugs, you should open a bug on Eclipse Foundation (servers component, or, I guess hudson, if you think related to "slaves" or what not) with as much info as possible, including times, URLs involved, preferably shortly after it happens so info in error or server logs (for example) might be easier to spot. ... occasionally there are glitches (that I do not completely understand) where part of the "internal" network between Eclipse Foundation nodes will be broken, but not all legs of the network, so it is a matter of probability if your request is routed through a good or bad path. But, honestly ... I'm just guessing and suggesting the little I know. It could be completely something else. Hard to debug. Sorry I can't help further. 

ok, I'll file bugs for that 

thanks for the hints :-) 

I analyzed our problem that the egit build against galileo consistently fails since a week
with our local Tycho wizard Jan Sievers.

We tried many things, it turned out that we get download failures in the egit build 
with the following bundles which should come from galileo:

<iu id="org.easymock" version="2.4.0.v20090202-0900" />
<iu id="org.apache.log4j" version="1.2.13.v200903072027"/>
<iu id="org.eclipse.net4j.jms.api" version="1.0.0.v200906160348"/>

We first downloaded the artifacts.jar metadata of the galileo repository and successfully
checked that it says these bundles should be in the repository.

Then we tried to download exactly these bundles directly from the galileo p2 repository
using the p2mirror ant task to exclude any maven or tycho problems using the attached
p2mirror.xml ant script and the bash script

We found that the p2mirror ant task says it downloaded the artifacts but in fact only
the metadata was downloaded but not the corresponding artifacts. The verbose console
log of the ant task didn't contain any error or warning.

In order to check that our script is correct we also included another bundle 
<iu id="org.junit" version="3.8.2.v20090203-1005"/>
this one was downloaded properly including its artifact.

We tried with galileo p2mirror ant task on Windows and with helios p2mirror ant task 
on Mac OS X and got identical results.

What is very strange is that we can directly download

using a browser

So we conclude:
  • either we miss something
  • or the galileo p2 repo is broken
  • or something goes wildly wrong with the download
Does this ring any bells for anybody ?

Opened for that.

<project name="" basedir =".">
	<!-- HTTP proxy 
	<setproxy proxyhost="proxy" proxyport="8080"/>
		<repository location="file:/Users/d029788/tmp/p2/galileo/" name="galileo-mirror" kind="A" />
		<repository location="file:/Users/d029788/tmp/p2/galileo/" name="galileo-mirror" kind="M" />
			<repository location=""; name="galileo" />
		<!-- these cannot be downloaded, but p2 silently succeeds. These versions are listed in
			Also, if you specify a non-existing version, p2 mirror will fail with an error
			message complaining that the offending version doesn't exist, this proves that
			also p2 believes these artifacts should be available -->
		<iu id="org.easymock" version="2.4.0.v20090202-0900" />
		<iu id="org.apache.log4j" version="1.2.13.v200903072027"/>
		<iu id="org.eclipse.net4j.jms.api" version="1.0.0.v200906160348"/>
		<!-- downloading this one works -->
		<iu id="org.junit" version="3.8.2.v20090203-1005"/>

Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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