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[ee4j-pmc] Releasing APIs to OSSRH staging repo tasks


There are many projects which have finished their CI/CD pipelines. So, we are and coming to the next step - releasing first versions of components to OSSRH staging repository. We will start with API projects, which don’t have (or have minimum) dependencies on other components. After that we will work on releasing implementations. The last step is integrating everything into GlassFish and making it passing all CTS/TCK tests. 

I created "GlassFish 5.1 Release Tracker” wiki document here: It contains versions of all API components which will be consumed by Eclipse GlassFish 5.1. I leave it up to projects leads to fill this tracking page with version number and release status (Staging/Public) of components they are responsible for.

I also created a bunch of tasks in all API repositories. They are named “Release to OSSRH staging repository” (or “Release API to OSSRH staging repository” for projects containing both API and implementation) and use the same template:
  • Uptake new Eclipse versions of dependencies (if any). Use "GlassFish 5.1 Release Tracker” wiki to find components versions to use.
  • Release to OSSRH staging repository
  • Update "GlassFish 5.1 Release Tracker” with released version number. 
Task clearly explains what should be done. To better understand projects dependencies I created the dependencies graph. Use it to get a bigger picture:

All these tasks are added to "Staging Release: API” GitHub tracking board:

Action item for project leads is assigning people to these tasks and start working on them after finishing CI/CD work. 

Deadline for these tasks (+ updating dependencies in implementations) is Nov 5, 2018. Full GlassFish 5.1 release plan you can find here:

Don’t hesitate to ask questions if something is not clear.


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