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Re: [ee4j-pmc] Action item: use of the jakarta groupId

I suppose it depends on whether the JavaEE 8 version of Eclipse GlassFish is using the Oracle javax apis jars or the Eclipse released api jars?


If Eclipse under Jakarta EE then all api projects will also have to make a release before Eclipse GlassFish JavaEE 8 can be built.

Also can we release APIs under the Jakarta group id without spec committee approval and therefore a fully formed spec process?


I may be wrong but I thought the order was Eclipse GlassFish built using Eclipse spec implementation binaries but Oracle javax api definitions and tested against the Oracle licensed TCK and therefore JavaEE 8 compliant.


Second step all specs and apis released as Jakarta EE 8 under the Jakarta group id. Followed by a build of Eclipse GlassFish against these these api jars and tested against the Eclipse released TCK and therefore Jakarta EE 8 compliant.


Perhaps I am just confused!




From: ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Ivar Grimstad
Sent: 17 September 2018 08:58
To: EE4J PMC Discussions <ee4j-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [ee4j-pmc] Action item: use of the jakarta groupId


I am a little curious as to why it should affect the GlassFish release... 

As David pointed out earlier, it is a one-line change in the spec pom.xml files, so that is close to no overhead at all. And the dependencies to the Eclipse-released specs must be changed anyway because of the new version number, so there is close to no extra overhead by changing the groupId to jakarta at the same time. It may actually save some time since we will have the check that we have not forgotten to update any dependencies since we can scan for javax-groupIds...?




On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 9:52 AM Steve Millidge (Payara) <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

+1 in principle however I also have concerns on timing given the next release of GlassFish will be a JavaEE 8 compatible release. Do we switch now for the JavaEE 8 versions or later when the Jakarta EE working group releases the specs?


Shouldn’t the JavaEE 8 version of Eclipse GlassFish use the Oracle released javax apis?




From: ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Dmitry Kornilov
Sent: 15 September 2018 12:20
To: EE4J PMC Discussions <

Subject: Re: [ee4j-pmc] Action item: use of the jakarta groupId


PMC, we should finish voting and make a formal statement about it. I still don’t see that all PMC members are voted. 


David: +1 (It was suggested by David, so I believe that he’s voting +1)

Ivar: ? (From your email I understand that you support it, but I didn’t see your +1)

Kevin: ? (From your email I understand that you support it, but I didn’t see your +1)

Mark: ?

Steve: ?

Dmitry: -1 (I support this change in general. My concern is about deadlines and delaying GF release because of it. I will change my vote if I get a confirmation from all vendors that they will push their project leads to make this change smoothly.)


— Dmitry



On 12 Sep 2018, at 20:20, David Blevins <dblevins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Following up from the specification committee meeting.  We (PMC) need to make sure all the specifications/api jars we release to Maven Central are in the jakarta groupId.  Using JMS as an example:



If you want an easy command to do it:


   $ perl -i -pe 's,Id>javax,Id>jakarta,g' pom.xml


We'll need to re-release JAX-RS and make sure we add this to our spreadsheet to track which projects have done it.


Here's the document for reference with motivations on the change in Maven coordinates:




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