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Re: [ee4j-pmc] "Implements" relationships in the project/spec graph

Wayne Beaton wrote on 05/23/18 02:27 PM:
I just pushed an update.

I decided to comment out the requires relationships. I don't think that they are valuable here (I do think that the relationships between the specifications is valuable and useful information, but I think that we can safely skip it in this graph).
Or, let's just create a separate graph that only includes the specifications and the relationships between them.

By eliminating these relationships, I think that I can pretty easily coerce the nodes into tidy columns. We're probably close enough to done now that it makes sense to start thinking a little harder about layout. I'll poke at that tonight.

I also decided to play a bit with line thicknesses to make the lines themselves indicate the nature of the relationship. It looks a little clumbsy right now, but I'll play a bit with them to see what I can sort out.

Anyway... I managed to eyeball and fix a few mistakes (including at least one missing project; "Eclipse Project for JPA" wasn't there). Any "specification" node that has fewer than two arrow heads pointing at it is missing information. Any help will be appreciated.

Need some implements links:

project_jaxb -> jaxb
project_jms -> jms

And some maintains links:

project_jbatch -> batch
project_hv -> bv
project_cdi -> cdi

There needs to be a maintains link for Dependency Injection, but I'm not sure where it comes from.

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