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Re: [ee4j-pmc] "Implements" relationships in the project/spec graph

Wayne Beaton wrote on 05/23/18 11:35 AM:
Greetings folks.

I just added an entry in the graph to indicate that the Eclipse Project for _expression_ Language implements the _expression_ Language specification.

In my mind, there is a distinction between maintaining a specification (i.e. the document and API) vs. actually implementing the reference implementation. More to the point, in my mind that distinction is interesting information.
I guess I was thinking that implements was for the case where the implementation was in a separate project from the API and maintains included the case where the project has both the API and the implementation.  If what you above is what you intended, then a few other projects need to move from maintains to implements:

project_javamail -> javamail
project_jaf -> jaf
project_jsonp -> jsonp
project_jstl -> jstl
project_stable -> jaxrpc
project_el -> el

Now I'm looking at the JAX RPC specification, for which we have a maintains relationshp from the Eclipse Project for Stable Jakarta EE Specifications. I see an IP review request (CQ) for the API, but none (at least not associated with this project) for a reference implementation.
The implementation is also going into the Stable project.

Likewise for the Enterprise Deployment and JAX-R specifications.
The Deployment and JAXR  implementations are in GlassFish.

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