H Markus,
RE point 2. Asking project leads is the obvious approach from the PMC as the project leads are responsible to their communities and upholding the
EDP. I would always try to assume good intentions on behalf of the project leads. I am sure the PMC would recommend the project leads take input from their community of committers.
From: ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
On Behalf Of Markus KARG
Sent: 15 May 2018 22:02
To: 'EE4J PMC Discussions' <ee4j-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [ee4j-pmc] FW: PMC Minutes
thanks for the reminder.
Just two words of feedback regarding the last meeting minutest:
(1) Candidate committers on TCK nominated themselves because it is rather apparent that TCK is a special case: Due to the "secret" nature of the TCK,
only few people outside of Oracle were able to contribute to the TCK before, so only few initial committers will be from non-Oracle. Also, the TCK is a mix of tests from all projects, which implies one problem: At JAX-RS we identified that when adding functionality
to the API we want contributors to provide an addition to the TCK covering this functionality. While JAX-RS committers can commit such a PR to the API master, they cannot commit the complementing tests to the TCK. So it would be wise if project committers
would be TCK committers automatically OR to split up the TCK so e. g. JAX-RS keeps its part of the TCK in the JAX-RS repo. No being a TCK committer is a huge impediment to API committers and slows down evolution of APIs.
(2) Regarding "Jakarta
EE Technical Vision -- The PMC has been tasked by the Jakarte EE Steering Committee to propose technical direction for the EE4J projects. We will do this bottom-up by reaching out to the EE4J
project leads to get their input. Before doing so, we will create a template and guide to structure the input. This should include information such as top-three priorities, schedule, release plan etc. We will look at the JSR template for inspiration.
There must also be set a deadline to respond." I need to say that asking
only the project leads will not really bear a bottom-up result, as there are
no elected project leads so far. Most project leads still are the initial ones, hence are Oracle employees, hence are likely to produce "slightly biased" results. To guarantee that the result is the actual consent of the committers, you should ask the committers
to run project leads elections first, or ask the committers instead of the project leads.
Hi all,
Just a reminder of where you can find the minutes of the PMC meetings.
The EE4J PMC meets bi-weekly and the minutes are usually made available about a week after each meeting.
Java Champion, JCP EC/EG Member, EE4J PMC, JUG Leader