Kevin Sutter wrote on 12/13/17 01:35
Just to be clear... Would the
github repositories have this naming convention?
I think that's the requirement
Eclipse is to be within their namespace. Just checking if
the case.
I believe they created a new github namespace for this - eclipse-ee4j.
And, I don't remember... What
about the TCKs? We're not transferring them yet? I would
that if we did, then we would follow the same convention?
I've said this a few times but I guess it's not sinking in... :-)
With a very few exceptions, all of the TCKs are part of the single
CTS repository. We'll transfer that single CTS repository when it's
ready. It will then be up to the EE4J community to do the work to
separate the individual TCKs out of that repository and into their
own repositories. This is not a trivial task.
If/when that work is done, the TCKs could be in repositories using
the naming convention you suggest above.