The Glassfish project is a similar tech spec.
As a data point. We run our Jenkins CI on an Amazon AWS t2-xlarge – 4vcpus + 16 GB RAM.
Jenkins Jobs are running with -Xmx4G but also this will spawn maven and GlassFish instances.
We found if memory is constrained builds will fail and leave a mess which needs manual clean up.
Fully built Payara via maven is of the order of 3GB HDD Space
.m2 repo is of the order 5.5GB HDD Space
Gut feeling is RAM is limited from the specs you provided in the document.
From: ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Denis Roy
Sent: 14 November 2017 20:14
To: ee4j-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx; ee4j-build@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ee4j-pmc] EE4J build migration to Eclipse - Requirements
Greetings EE4J PMC (cross-post to ee4j-build),
The Eclipse IT & Release Engineer teams have been drafting a plan to incorporate the ee4j project builds into Eclipse's build farm (otherwise known as Eclipse CBI). An overview of CBI, as well as the migration plan, is below.
It's a work in progress for sure, and we hope to use the document to kickstart the discussion on the
build (and test) requirements that each project has.
At a high level, what we're looking for is:
1. Do you think the Eclipse CBI will work for your project?
2. If so, what are each projects' requirements (see table under
EE4J Build Requirements). What are you using today?
3. If not, what are we missing?
Thanks for your collaboration on this. Our goal is to ensure projects are operational and productive as rapidly as possible.