Would you please email Eclipse Foundation reps about it?
The March deadline for the agenda is over, so can't say if WGs and other initiatives have already booked all available rooms in the Pullman Hotel for the Unconference.
I heard about two options to attend/participate by Anne (also send an email to her if you want) at Eclipse but I mainly have to wait, if the JNoSQL talk Otavio and I proposed gets into the program or not.
Although ECF is only 2 days plus one Unconference day I cannot afford to leave my client(s) alone for a whole week, so I would only do both if say we did have a JNoSQL talk and it would be in the first half of June 13, so I could arrive for the Unconference and leave in the course of the next day. Note the Unconference has a separate fee there, about 100€ with VAT so it is cheaper than any of the conference tickets.
If I mainly came there for the Unconference I'd be happy to also help organize or moderate or help other EE4J/Jakarta EE committers and/or PMC members who are there anyway. I did so in the Science WG, representing Eclipse STEM, UOMo or both or contribute to posters during a Poster Session. Can't say if they do that again this year?
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