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Re: [ee4j-community] issue migration

Derek Moore wrote on 02/07/2018 04:01 PM:
> What about projects like Jersey that already had their own GitHub organization?
Sorry, I was overly precise.  Some of our projects are in other GitHub
organizations and they'll be treated the same as the projects in the javaee
GitHub organization.

> One important thing missing in this game plan is preserving forks and PRs.
> Jersey has some very high value PRs that should not be lost in all of this
> shuffling.
> Tons of github-forks and private clones will lose their `origin` remotes.
> I have a date parsing PR to Jersey I've been working on for 4 years (and am
> about to pick back up). And I know there are important PRs for Jersey's proxy
> client, among other things.
Sadly, we're not able to preserve the history when these projects are moving to
the Eclipse Foundation.

In general, the existing projects are supposed to be wrapping up their work as
much as possible and reaching a stable state to minimize the disruption when the
project is moved.  After the project is moved, activity in the original
repository will stop, although the repository will remain available as a point
of reference.

If there's something we could do to make it easier to move over in-flight pull
requests, let us or the project leader know.  We hope the Eclipse projects will
have much more involvement from the community so there may be more people able
and willing to help.

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