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Re: [eclipselink-users] Memory's problem

Which memory are you referring to exactly?  If you are using a DataSource,
then the DataSource will not release its pooled connections when you log out
of your EclipseLink Session.  In your server you should be able to configure
the DataSource min and max connection pool sizes, and may be able to
shut-down the DataSource's connection pool through your server admin console
or JMX.

dmitryerkin wrote:
> Hi
> I can not solve one problem which is important for me.
> This problem is that memory which is allocated during work of the server
> session is not released although I invoke the logout() method:
> SessionManager mgr = SessionManager.getManager();
> ServerSession session = (ServerSession)mgr.getSession("default-session");
> session.logout();
> In case I implement the same logic in the standalone application then
> memory is released:
> SessionManager mgr = SessionManager.getManager();
> XMLSessionConfigLoader loader = new
> XMLSessionConfigLoader("sessions.xml");
> DatabaseSession session = (DatabaseSession)mgr.getSession(loader,
> "default-session",Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), true,
> true);
> session.logout();
> Both apllications do exactly the same things and the size of allocated
> memory is equal before the session.logout() call. They read some data from
> the database.
> Of course the main difference is that the snandalone app uses the direct
> connection to the database but the enterprise app uses the jdbc datasourse
> and connection pools.
> Can anybody explain me the way to force the enterprise app to release
> memory the same way as the snandalone app?
> Regards,
> Dmitry

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