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[eclipselink-users] Write BLOB using EntityManager


I have a question, how can I write data to a blob, using the EntityManager.createNativeQuery("select image_data from image_blobs where image_id = ? and image_type = ? for update nowait")?
How can I get the stream from the blob?

I used to do this as follows:
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("select image_data from image_blobs where image_id = ? and image_type = ? for update nowait");
       stmt.setLong(1, image.getId().longValue());
       stmt.setString(2, image.getType());
       res = (OracleResultSet) stmt.executeQuery();

       // get the stream from the blob and let data be streamed into it
       if ( {
         BLOB oracleBLOB = res.getBLOB(1);
         OutputStream out = oracleBLOB.setBinaryStream(0L);;

         // now determin the size
         stmt = conn.prepareStatement(GET_SIZE);
         stmt.setLong(1, image.getId().longValue());
         stmt.setString(2, sizeName);
         res = (OracleResultSet) stmt.executeQuery();
         if ( {
           size = res.getLong(1);


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