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[eclipselink-users] Does EclipseLink avoid the restrictions of Toplink Essentials? (Performance issues)

Right now, I am using Toplink Essentials bundled with Glassfish v2. But TLE
has some serious restrictions. Does EclipseLink have the same restrictions?! 

1.) Adding an entity to a collection (1:N relationship)

I have an entitiy "University" that has a OneToMany unidirectional
relationship to entity "Student". Now I want to add one student to a
university. So I call: "university.getStudents().add(new Student(...));"

In Toplink Essentials, afaik, getStudents() will fetch ALL students that
belong to the university, and afterwards, one student will be added. Getting
all students although I only want to add one student does not make any
sense. Is EclipseLink able to just add one student without retrieving all
the other students? If yes, how will this be accomplished? (afaik, Toplink
11g has this feature)

2.) Pagination (MySQL)

I am using a MySQL 5 Database. JPA supports pagination through the methods
"setFirstResult(...)" and "setMaxResults(...)". When executing a query with
firstResults and maxResults being set, Toplink Essentials will NOT create an
SQL statement with a LIMIT clause (the LIMIT clause is used to constrain the
number of rows). So all database rows are fetched. Will EclipseLink behave
the same or does it produce a "correct" SQL statement that includes the
LIMIT clause? For me, this is a very important requirement.

Please, all questions should be answered with EclipseLink Release 1.0 in
mind. Unfortunately, I cannot wait for EclipseLink 2.0.
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