We should add a disclaimer in 2.1 version's readme and headers that
this is a preview based on draft versions of the specification and
is not final until the JSR completes.
I will look for the text we used in JPA 2.0 previews. These notes
will need to be removed for the final RI release.
On 27/11/2012 4:34 PM, Eric Gwin wrote:
I will be removing the jpa/plugins/javax.persistence sub-project
once a bugfix merge is completed. Once the merge is complete, I
will rebuild both the 2.0 and 2.1 preview jars and the
javax.persistence.git repo will be the "source of truth" for the
2.0 and 2.1 javax.persistence code streams. I expect the merge to
be completed within the the next few days.
After conferring with Gordon, Peter, and Tom the following has
been clarified:
- There are a few classes in the javax.persistence.* packages.
- We are the owners of any classes found within the
javax.persistence.* packages and can change them as needed.
- However, any changes to annotations or interfaces needs to be
fed back through the spec group.
In addition, since javax.persistence doesn't build as part of the
nightly process, Tom or I need to be made made aware of any
changes so that a new jar can be created incorporating them. the
new jar will then be pushed to the build system to for subsequent
EclipseLink builds.
On 26/11/2012 2:54 PM, Eric Gwin wrote:
Once again, I want to give you notice that I plan on removing
the "jpa/plugins/javax.persistence" tree from the runtime
repository in a few weeks. If you need access to the
javax.persistence project (rather than just the jar), please
clone the repo for use in your Eclipse environment(s).
Also, there are some merge/push procedures that will need to be
worked out with this repo. Please do not merge to the
javax.persistence repository until further notice. These
policies will be discussed/announced here before I proceed with
removing the subproject from runtime.
On 15/11/2012 2:06 PM, Eric Gwin wrote:
It is the repository that I will use to generate the
javax.persistence bundle. The preview 2.1 code is on Master
and the latest 2.0 is on the 2.0 branch. There is no 1.0 code
in this repo.
It looks like there is an eclipse project in the repo, but I
haven't tested it for 2.1 (2.0.102).
Also of note, after branching 2.0 from the migrated runtime
project, I re-created the necessary transactions to document
previous 2.1 draft builds and not the other way around, so the
latest bundle 102 was not generated from the artifacts in the
repo. Moving forward, the bundle will be generated from this
Tom and I have also discussed removal of the jpa source
project from the runtime repo. That work will be completed in
a few weeks time to give folks a chance to update their
Eclipse environments.
Let me know if you have any questions.
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Doug Clarke | Director of Product Management
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862 7098
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