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Re: [eclipselink-dev] bug 340329 - table creation prefix

What would a typical prefix be? Is there just one you are thinking of, or is there a list of possible prefixes?

I am trying to get an understanding about why we are addressing this a String prefix instead of as a DatabasePlatform setting or as a DatabasePlatform subclass. Some examples might help.


Xiang, Xu wrote:
Hi Tom,

you are right. The "prefix" wil replace "CREATE TABLE". I didn't find a
better word.
On the other hand internally EclipseLink uses "prefix" already for create
temporary table. Therefore it is not MaxDB specific.

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Ware [mailto:tom.ware@xxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Montag, 28. März 2011 16:55
To: Dev mailing list for Eclipse Persistence Services
Cc: christopher.delahunt@xxxxxxxxxx; Xiang, Xu; Singer, Reiner
Subject: Re: [eclipselink-dev] bug 340329 - table creation prefix

What would a typical prefix be?  (is it really a prefix, or a replacement
for "CREATE TABLE"? Is PREFIX the right terminology?)

When would someone choose to use a prefix?  Is this a MAXDB specific thing?


Goerler, Adrian wrote:
Hi Chris, others,

we got the requirement to allow overriding the CREATE TABLE keywords in DDL in a table-specific way to leverage special database features. Xu has proposed to introduce a creation-prefix attribute to the table-mappings of eclipselink-orm.xml - analogously to Please find attached a revised proposal including test for this enhancement.

I you are OK with this feature, I would go ahead and check it in.



Alternatively, I could consider to specify additional requirements on the DDL using @Properties/@Property annotations. Then, one could add hese properties to the TableDefinition, redirect rendering of CREATE TABLE statements to the DatabasePlatform and render the statement in a database-vendor specific way according to the properties recognized by the vendor.



@Property(“mysql.jdbc.engine”, “InnoDB”)


Public class MyEntity

This, however, would obsolete the creation-suffix just introduced in 2.2 ;-).

*Adrian Görler

*Pflichtangaben/Mandatory Disclosure Statements:


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