are some notes taken by Shaun and Peter from Thursday's sessions at the
Summit. After this week's Helios shutdown we'll be addressing these further in
the weekly committer calls.
feel free to add any additional notes or comments to this thread to ensure we
captured everything from those discussions.
- OSGi support for JPA continues to evolve but
code is migrating to Gemini
- Bytecode weaving on Equinox will eventually move
to OSGi spec for weaving so as to be portable.
- Testing remains an areas we could improve
on--need to examine "native" port of JPA LRG and SRG to OSGi rather than all
in one bundle approach
- Currently no JAXB or SDO OSGi testing
- Manifest definition/editing is an area that
needs attention
- We tried "Manifest first" development but ran
into issues on Felix
- Have moved to generating manifests using BND
with templates
- Need to investigate and replicate manifest
import issues reported by Sun and users and file PDE bugs to see if we can
return to manifest first development. Perhaps VMware "Bundlor"
tooling contribution will improve the
- Build continues to be upgraded to support P2
repository generation
- OSGi bundles are generated from classes compiled
using "traditional" approach and not using OSGi classpath visibility
rules. PDE Build would support this.
- The use of BND in the build combined with the
direct editing of the manifests in PDE is cumbersome at best and needs
improvement. Move to BND was prompted by a lack of confidence in PDE
after a number of bug reports from users. While we seem to have
improved the correctness of the manifests we have made development difficult
and should explore how we can improve the situation.
- The build uses ANT but all P2 related artifacts
are generated by PDE Build which introduces additional complexity.
Moving to PDE Build as primary build system would simplify things--but can
we use PDE Build to generate all-in-one eclipselink.jar and Maven
- Contibution Log
- Suggestion to only put entry in Contribution log per Company
- Suggestion is to use @Author to give credit to the original
- EMail blast on Dev
- Concern was raised over the email that is sent to
Dev group before a checkin and after a checkin
- It may be enough to have the bug update notify the
interested parties.
- Suggestion is to just send out email requesting
code review, and bug closing will confirm successful
- Modularity emerged as the focus for the next
major release of EclipseLink (3.0).
- Key refactoring would be separation of OXM and
ORM code into separate bundles along with a foundation bundle that
contains shared classes.
- Discussed a restructuring of the svn
repository to flatten projects for ease of use in Eclipse
- "OSGi first" development would also provide a
good opportunity to move to PDE build
- "Modernization" of APIs was raised but was not
discussed extensively. There is probably no point in modernizing the
native API for native ORM users (given our focus on JPA) but rather to
make JPA support