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Re: [eclipselink-dev] Bug 241765 - JPA 2.0 Derived identities

Thanks Gordn for the pointers.
I think I got the updated version now.
Caused by: Exception [EclipseLink-8024] (Eclipse Persistence Services -

And the roadblock on derived entity mapping is resolved. Thanks.

I am seeing errors in JPQL query that worked with OpenJPA. But I can not
complaint. Because I am trying to emulate a *strictly* specification
compliant sample while the failures in queries under strict scrutiny can not
be termed as fully compliant. 
I have posted the failures in the users' list anyway for your

Regards --

Gordon Yorke wrote:
> Hello Pinaki,
>     You can confirm the EclipseLink version by setting the log level to 
> INFO and looking for the EclipseLink version string.  In the logs you 
> posted you are using version 1.1.0 not 2.0.  There must be a runtime 
> environment classpath issue.
> You can download the latest EclipseLink from 
> You can decompile/look at the machine code of the 
> org.eclipse.persistence.Version.class file if you have any doubts that 
> the logged version is incorrect.
> --Gordon
> Pinaki Poddar wrote:
>> Hi Gordon,
>>   I downloded from [1]. Thinking that is the latest. The website mentions
>> that the bundle is at revision 
>> eclipselink-2.0.0.v20091127-r5931. But once you mentioned that I may be
>> using an old version, I notice that the error messages print a different
>> version number such as
>>    Exception [EclipseLink-30005] (Eclipse Persistence Services -
>> 1.1.0.r3634): ....
>>   It is unlikely (but not impossible) that it is a build/run
>> environmental
>> mistake -- I am double0checking that.
>>   Questions:
>>   1. Can you please confirm where I can downlod the latest EclipeLink
>> libraries? 
>>   2. Is there an utility that prints out the revision numbr of the
>> library?
>> Or any other suggested mechanism to verify the download is at a specific
>> revision?  
>>   Thanks --
>> [1]
>> Gordon Yorke wrote:
>>> Hello Pinaki,
>>>    The version of EclipseLink you are using is very old and is not JPA
>>> 2.0
>>> compatible.  You will need to upgrade to EclipseLink 2.0
>>> --Gordon
>>> Pinaki Poddar wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>   While the error message is fairly clear why it thinks the mapping
>>>> definitions are wrong, here is the JPA 2.0 spec (sec
>>>> Specification of Derived Identities)
>>>> "If the dependent entity uses an id class to represent its primary key,
>>>> one of the two following rules must
>>>> be observed:"
>>>>   // lines ommitted
>>>>   "If an Id attribute in the entity is a many-to-one or one-to-one
>>>> relationship to a parent
>>>> entity, the corresponding attribute in the id class must be of the same
>>>> Java type as the
>>>> id class or embedded id of the parent entity (if the parent entity has
>>>> a
>>>> composite primary
>>>> key) or the type of the Id attribute of the parent entity (if the
>>>> parent
>>>> entity has a
>>>> simple primary key)."
>>>>   My reading is LineItem (child) having a @Id @ManyToOne PurchaseOrder
>>>> and LineItem using @IdClass(LineItemId.class) fit into the above spec
>>>> scenario. 
>>>>   Regards --
>>>> Pinaki
>>>> Pinaki Poddar wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>   A typical Order-LineItem definition where LineItem uses compound,
>>>>> derived identity.
>>>>> Is this mapping supported in 1.1.0.r3634 or any later available
>>>>> versions?
>>>>>   The mapping fails with following error message (detailed stack trace
>>>>> at the end)
>>>>>      [java] Caused by: Exception [EclipseLink-7149] (Eclipse
>>>>> Persistence
>>>>> Services - 1.1.0.r3634):
>>>>> org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException
>>>>>      [java] Exception Description: The composite primary key attribute
>>>>> [order] of type [class domain.PurchaseOrder] on entity class [class
>>>>> domain.LineItem] should be of the same type as defined on its primary
>>>>> key class [domain.LineItemId]. That is, it should be of type [long].   
>>>>> Here are the entity definitions:
>>>>>   A "parent" entity with a simple identity of a long field 
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> @Entity
>>>>> public class PurchaseOrder implements Serializable {
>>>>>     @Id
>>>>>     private long id;
>>>>> }
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>  A "child" entity that 
>>>>>    -- uses a separate Id class
>>>>>    -- uses a compound identity
>>>>>    -- derives part of its identity from "parent"
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------               
>>>>>   @Entity
>>>>>   @IdClass(LineItemId.class)
>>>>>   public class LineItem implements Serializable {
>>>>>     @Id
>>>>>     @ManyToOne
>>>>>     private PurchaseOrder order; // field name must match the field
>>>>> name
>>>>> in LineItem.LineItemId
>>>>>     @Id
>>>>>     @OrderColumn
>>>>>     @Column(name="IDX") // index is keyword
>>>>>     private int index;  // field name must match the field name in
>>>>> LineItem.LineItemId
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>    And the separate Id class
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> public class LineItemId implements Serializable {
>>>>>     long order;  
>>>>>     int index; 
>>>>> The runtime fails with the following error:
>>>>>      [java] Caused by: Exception [EclipseLink-7149] (Eclipse
>>>>> Persistence
>>>>> Services - 1.1.0.r3634):
>>>>> org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException
>>>>>      [java] Exception Description: The composite primary key attribute
>>>>> [order] of type [class domain.PurchaseOrder] on entity class [class
>>>>> domain.LineItem] should be of the same type as defined on its primary
>>>>> key class [domain.LineItemId]. That is, it should be of type [long].
>>>>>      [java]     at
>>>>> org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException.invalidCompositePKAttribute(
>>>>>      [java]     at
>>>>> org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataDescriptor.validatePKClassId(
>>>>>      [java]     at
>>>>> org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.mappings.IdAccessor.process(
>>>>>      [java]     at
>>>>> org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataDescriptor.processAccessors(
>>>>>      [java]     at
>>>>>      [java]     at
>>>>> org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classes.EntityAccessor.processAccessors(
>>>>>      [java]     at
>>>>> org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classes.EntityAccessor.process(
>>>>>      [java]     at
>>>>> org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataProcessor.processORMMetadata(
>>>>>      [java]     at
>>>>> org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment.PersistenceUnitProcessor.processORMetadata(
>>>>>      [java]     at
>>>>> org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerSetupImpl.predeploy(
>>>>> christopher delahunt wrote:
>>>>>> Bug 241765 - JPA 2.0 Derived identities
>>>>>> Checked into main.
>>>>>> reviewed by Gordon and Guy
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>>>>>> eclipselink-dev mailing list
>>>>>> eclipselink-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
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