configuration of a user-defined customization is better left to using a
SessionCustomizer, as a user defining their own RCM manager is non-trivial. Or at least configuring user defined
extensions in general is perhaps a separate feature.
From: Shaun Smith
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009
9:46 AM
To: Dev mailing list for Eclipse
Persistence Services
Subject: Re: [eclipselink-dev]
Cache Coordination Config
Given your proposal, how would a user or adopter/vendor configure
a custom cache coordination implementation? It would be nice if
they could register their implementation via a property in the
eclipselink.cache.coordination "namespace", something like
eclipselink.cache.coordination.type = example.MyCustomImpl.
"Type" is the name of the field in the Workbench's session editor
where this can be specified but I'm not sure this word is evocative as a
property name. Along with a custom coordination 'type' implementation a
collection of related properties such as
"eclipselink.cache.coordination.mucustomimpl.*" could be defined by
the implementation. As long as all properties are provided as the cache
coordination impl is created this would would work nicely.
This issue of extension/substitution is actually broader
than just cache coordination. There are other places where we have
"out of the box" implementations that can either be extended or
replaced. Providing a way to plug in alternate implementations of
strategies/class that are currently hardwired in EclipseLink has been raise on
the dev list before and a standard property based approach may address this.
James Sutherland wrote:
As part of my clustering investigation I intend to fix,
cache coordination config to persistence properties, proposed properties
defined here,
send any feedback to me, or add to wiki discuss page.
eclipselink-dev mailing list

Shaun Smith | Principal Product
Phone: +19055023094
Server Technologies, Oracle TopLink
ORACLE Canada | 110 Matheson Boulevard West, Suite 100, Mississauga, Ontario |
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