On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:35 PM, David M Williams
<david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just you are the first to know ...
we said the re-count vote would last
until today, so time to count the ballots ...
Given there were approx. 2000 votes
the first time through, and approx. 350 this time,
it appears there was quite a bit of
ballot-box stuffing before -- that, or everyone
just got burned out.
And, to add to the burn out, I'm afraid
a run-off vote should be held.
I know "36%" sounds like a
lot, but is only a little over one third, so
it does seem possible that if everyone
who did not vote for 'indigo'
did not vote for it because they really
hated it, then perhaps second
place "Ion" still has a chance?
Ironically enough, we just had primary
elections here in North Carolina, and
I learned the State law here
says 40% is the cutoff to avoid a runoff.
So, unless there's any quick objection,
I'll start a run-off vote later today,
between Ion and Indigo. I'll even reverse
the order to make sure its
not only that "first in list"
always wins? :/
-1, not that I'm on the council, but I'll try to influence it anyway ;). But I'd say we've had enough votes. Indigo is clearly in the lead, and I need a name now as we are planning the next release already and need a name for it.
Indigo: 36 %
Indra: 2 %
Indus: 1 %
Ion: 16 %
Ionia: 4 %
Iris: 9 %
Isaac: 9 %
Isis: 10 %
Ivory: 7 %
Izar: 4 %
Total votes: 339
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